

7 Reasons Why You May Need Dental Braces to Improve Your Smile

7 Reasons Why You Need Orthodontic Braces

Do you have misaligned or crooked teeth? You can improve the appearance of your smile with dental braces, as they can correct crooked or crowded teeth and address gaps and spaces between your teeth. However, getting braces is not just about getting straight teeth or a better smile. Braces are there to address dental issues as well.

Braces can straighten your teeth, improve the appearance of your smile, fix bite issues, and address many other dental problems. Braces also produce long-lasting results. But you may be wondering, “Do I need braces?” Here are eight common reasons for braces.

1. You Have Gaps and Spaces Between Teeth

A reason why you might need braces is to address gaps and spaces between teeth. You may be shy to show off a big smile because of noticeable gaps and spaces between your teeth. However, having gaps and spaces between your teeth is not just a cosmetic issue. Gaps and spacing issues can become an insecurity, but it’s also a matter of health.

These gaps and spaces can lead to more dental issues: it can affect the function of your jaw and bite and can also cause teeth to become crooked. Additionally, food particles can get stuck and collect on your gums, leading to oral health issues.
Braces can close the gaps between your teeth, which would prevent further dental problems. Braces will work to shift your teeth so that they move into a straight position, which will eliminate gaps.

2. You Have an Overbite or Underbite

Another reason to get braces is if you have an overbite or an underbite. An overbite is when your upper teeth significantly overlap your lower teeth. On the other hand, an underbite is when your lower teeth overlap your upper teeth.

Like with other dental problems, overbites and underbites do not just affect your smile’s appearance. They can lead to numerous problems. Overbites or underbites can cause difficulty eating food. You may also notice yourself biting the side of your cheeks or tongue while eating.

Apart from problems while eating, overbites and underbites can cause issues with speaking. You may not be able to form some sounds because of misaligned bites. Additionally, they can also lead to jaw pain or headaches.

Braces can address these issues, as they adjust the position of your teeth and jaws, leading to better oral function and your overall comfort.

orthodontic braces

3. You Have an Open Bite

An open bite is also another reason for braces. It is a unique type of dental issue where one has a visible or noticeable gap between their upper and lower teeth. Having an open bite is having an open space at the front or sides of your teeth when you bite.

If you have an open bite, you can encounter difficulty speaking or eating and develop a habit called tongue thrusting. Additionally, an open bite can lead to temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) or TMJ jaw problems. Braces can address these issues and give you a better smile and overall comfort.

4. Jaw Clicking or Popping

Do you hear clicking or popping sounds in the jaw when you open your mouth, close your mouth, or chew? If you do, you may need braces. Clicking or popping sounds in the jaw is a symptom of TMJ, and TMJ disorders are something that should not be left untreated. Braces can correct the joint’s alignment, which addresses the jaw popping or clicking issue.

Additionally, you may experience soreness in the jawline, and your jaws can feel fatigued after chewing or talking for a long time. This shows that your teeth and jaws need alignment, and braces can help with this.

If you are experiencing frequent jaw pains or if you have other jaw problems, it may be time to visit your dentist and ask about braces or other solutions.

5. You Have Crowded or Crooked Teeth

You may have little tooth space, and your teeth may be pushing against each other or overlapping. It may seem that there is not enough room in your mouth for all your teeth or your mouth is overflowing with teeth. Having crowded teeth is not just a cosmetic problem; it can lead to numerous oral health issues too.

Food is easily trapped in crowded teeth and bacteria can grow in hard-to-reach areas. Dental plaque can hide in places where toothbrush bristles cannot reach. Remember that trapped food can lead to periodontal disease, tooth decay, bad breath, and other oral health issues.

It’s hard to clean crowded teeth, and this can lead to cavities or gum disease. Braces can help with crowded or crooked teeth, as they can spread your teeth out evenly. Once your teeth are straightened, plaque won’t be able to hide easily either.

6. You Have Speech Impediments or Difficulties

Misaligned teeth can cause problems in speech. We need our teeth to talk and pronounce words, so if your teeth are not aligned properly, you may struggle with saying certain words or letters. The way your tongue interacts with your teeth can be affected. You may find it difficult to pronounce words correctly, which could then affect your overall communication.

Braces can address these issues. They straighten your teeth, which would then allow your tongue to touch the teeth needed to speak normally. Braces can address speech impediments or difficulties and let you speak more clearly.

7. Frequent Tongue Biting

If you are frequently biting your tongue unwillingly or cutting your tongue on your teeth, you may need braces. Teeth problems can cause you to bite your tongue, which would lead to pain and discomfort. Braces can adjust your teeth and stop frequent tongue biting.

Remember that it’s not just about having straight teeth. Braces can help with issues such as TMJ jaw problems or speech impediments. Braces can also help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other serious dental problems.

Bella Medical Centre offers dental orthodontic treatments, including braces, Invisalign, and more. Our treatments can straighten your teeth and give you the confidence to smile. Contact us today and say goodbye to crooked or misaligned teeth!

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Bella Medical Centre – Villa #15, Marfa Al Bateen, Abu Dhabi