د. ناتالي أبودياب
د. ناتالي أبودياب


- Graduated from “Pierre ET Marie Curie University” Paris-France
- Specialization at the University of Paris in Fixed Prosthodontics
- Specialization at the University of Sorbonne


Fluent in English, Arabic, Russian and French

Fluent in English, Arabic, Russian and French

Fluent in English, Arabic, Russian and French

Years of Experience

10+ Years of Experience in Cosmetic and Fixed Prosthodontics Treatment

10+ Years of Experience in Cosmetic and Fixed Prosthodontics Treatment

10+ Years of Experience in Cosmetic and Fixed Prosthodontics Treatment

د. ناتالي أبودياب

طبيبة أسنان عامة

Dr. Natali is Doctor of Dental Surgery, who specialises in Fixed Prosthodontics. After graduating from the Dental Medical University in the year of 2000, she specialized in “The Sciences of Biomaterials Used in the Dental Medicines”, as well as in “Fixed Prosthodontics” at the University of Paris and the University of Sorbonne respectively.

Dr Natali demonstrates a high degree of expertise in diagnosing and treating a wide range of dental maladies and complaints. Her approach to the technical aspects of the process is accompanied by an artistic eye, which seeks beauty in all forms.

Dr. Natali’s respectful professionalism also make her a pleasure to work with. She is appreciated by her patients for her understanding nature. With more than 24 years of hands on experience in practicing dentistry, Dr. Natali is well versed in building and maintaining a close doctor-patient rapport.

When asked what her favorite part of her job is, she replies, “watching my patients leave the clinic with a smile”.

د. ناتالي أبودياب
د. ناتالي أبودياب

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ابدأ اليوم في العناية بصحتك - احجز موعدك الآن واستمتع برعاية متخصصة تركز على احتياجاتك

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ابدأ اليوم في العناية بصحتك - احجز موعدك الآن واستمتع برعاية متخصصة تركز على احتياجاتك

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ابدأ اليوم في العناية بصحتك - احجز موعدك الآن واستمتع برعاية متخصصة تركز على احتياجاتك

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