

Top 10 Advantages of Getting Invisalign

Invisalign clear aligners are considered to be a revolution in dental care. With Invisalign, you can straighten your teeth and say goodbye to crooked teeth without people noticing. Today, more and more people are getting Invisalign in Abu Dhabi compared to traditional braces.

So, what are the advantages of Invisalign and why do people go for it? In this blog, we will discuss the advantages of Invisalign.

10 Advantages of Getting Invisalign

There are many advantages of Invisalign, which is why many people nowadays go for this orthodontic treatment. The advantages of getting Invisalign are as follows:

1. They Are Invisible

Well, the name says it all! Invisalign aligners are almost invisible to the naked eye. They are made of clear, transparent material, so people will not even notice that you are straightening your teeth. When you are talking to someone or having a laugh, most people would not be able to tell that you have one.

Most people want to straighten their teeth but do not want to wear traditional braces because of the wires and brackets. With Invisalign, there’s no need to be self-conscious or worry about wires and brackets ruining your look.

They are virtually invisible, so you can smile with confidence throughout your entire treatment because your appearance is not affected.

2. Removability

Another advantage of Invisalign is removability, and this alone also leads to more advantages. If you need to remove your aligners for special occasions or for other reasons, you can do so. Just remember to put them back on so that they can do their job.

3. They Are Easy to Handle

Invisalign is easier to handle compared to traditional braces. What would you need to do when you are to remove your braces, or get them redone? Well, you would need to visit a dentist in Abu Dhabi and go through an elaborate procedure.

When it comes to Invisalign, you just need to put your hand inside your mouth, apply a bit of pressure, and it comes out! It is that easy.

4. Fewer Dental Visits or Appointments

You will also have fewer visits to the dentist if you choose to get Invisalign and not the traditional braces. Remember that with traditional braces, you have to keep going back to the dentist for adjustments or removing or replacing a bracket.

But this isn’t the case with Invisalign, as frequent visits to the dental clinic are not necessary like with traditional braces.

5. No Food Restrictions

Traditional braces come with food restrictions. Because the wires can bend and the brackets can snap off, there are limitations on the food you can eat. You have to avoid sticky food, crunchy food, and hard food. But unlike traditional braces, you can continue to eat what you want with Invisalign.

Because the aligners are removable, there is no need to give up your favorite food such as popcorn or other hard and crunchy food. Just be sure to brush your teeth before reinstalling the aligners.

6. An Effective and Shorter Treatment

Compared to traditional braces, Invisalign corrects misaligned teeth, more quickly and more efficiently. Most Invisalign treatments take from 12 to 18 months, and results will start to show after a few weeks.

An advantage of Invisalign is it offers a shorter treatment period compared to traditional braces. It takes less time to achieve results and the treatment is faster than traditional braces.

The only thing that you would need to ensure is that you get your Invisalign treatment from an experienced professional. If you manage to get that, then you will be getting a more effective treatment.

7. They Are More Comfortable

The great thing about Invisalign is that it offers comfort. Traditional braces have brackets with sharp edges that can cut into your lips and cheeks. The wires and brackets of traditional braces can cause discomfort. But this is not the case with Invisalign.

These removable aligners are custom-made for your teeth and are made of soft, smooth material. There are no sharp edges. You get a comfortable fit. You won’t get the discomfort that’s associated with traditional braces.

8. They Are Fit for People of All Ages

Invisalign is fit for people of all ages, as well as patients suffering from a range of different dental ailments. Invisalign is a safe treatment for children, adolescents, and adults. Worried about whether it would be the right fit for your teenage kid? Well, you have one, especially for kids.

Similarly, they have ranges for simple issues, as well as complicated ones. You can ask your Invisalign dentist in Abu Dhabi to learn more about which would be particularly suited for you.

9. Better Dental Hygiene

It may be difficult to keep up with good oral hygiene when you have traditional braces, as they make keeping your teeth clean more difficult than usual. Food particles and plaque can get stuck inside brackets, which are difficult to clean properly. And if they are not cleaned properly, it can lead to gum disease or tooth decay.

It is easy to clean your teeth with Invisalign. You can just remove the aligners, and then brush and floss your teeth as usual. You can just continue with your normal dental routine if you get Invisalign. You can brush and floss your teeth as you normally would without the interruptions of metal pieces.

They Are Completely Safe

One of the biggest advantages of Invisalign is that they are completely safe. And as mentioned earlier, they are safe for children, adolescents, and adults. They are made from patented SmartTrack material which ensures a better fit.

They are also 100% safe, as they are approved by medical authorities across the world. So, whether you are using it for yourself or for your child, you should be rest assured of safety.

Final Thoughts on the Advantages of Getting Invisalign

The many advantages of getting Invisalign are clear. Their invisible appearance allows you not to be self-conscious or lose your confidence. Invisalign does not affect your appearance compared to traditional braces with brackets and wires.

Invisalign’s removability also leads to more advantages, such as no food restrictions and ease of cleaning your teeth. It is also suitable for people of all ages and is a safe orthodontic treatment. These are some of the reasons why Invisalign is regarded as one of the top treatments for a range of dental issues.

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Bella Medical Centre – Villa #15, Marfa Al Bateen, Abu Dhabi