Laser Hair Removal

Transform Your Skin: Effective Laser Hair Removal in Abu Dhabi

At our clinic in Abu Dhabi we offer advanced laser treatments to help you reduce and remove unwanted hair and get the smooth and silky skin you’ve always dreamed of. Our team of dermatologists and skin specialists is here to find the perfect treatment for you!

Safe & Quick Procedure

Our laser treatment for hair removal targets areas of unwanted hair with delicate precision in just a few minutes, leaving the surrounding skin untouched.

Long-lasting Results

By targeting the hair follicle directly, the precise laser removal procedure will produce long-lasting results, freeing you from other depilation solutions.

Smooth & Hair-free Skin

In just a few sessions, you will say goodbye to the hassle of continuous shaving, waxing, and plucking. The treatment will leave your skin smooth and free of hair and irritation.

What We Do

Get a Smooth and Radiant Skin With Our Laser Hair Removal Treatment

At our clinic in Abu Dhabi, we utilize the latest technology to provide painless and effective hair removal treatments, ensuring long-lasting results. Our precise technique guarantees quick sessions tailored to your needs, minimizing downtime and restoring your natural and youthful glow.

From face buzz to bikini lines, full body, arms, legs, and beyond, our laser treatments will leave your skin hair-free and radiant with minimal discomfort or pain.

Book an Appointment

Say Goodbye to Unwanted Hair With Our Effective Laser Treatment - A Precise Art That Results in Smooth, Hair-free Skin!

Our Process

How It Works

01.  Initial Consultation

Our team of dermatologists and skin specialists will discuss with you your medical history, needs and skin goals to tailor an effective laser hair removal treatment plan for long-lasting results.

02.  Preparation

Skin specialists at Bella Medical Centre will inform you about how to prepare for the hair removal treatment. In the weeks before avoid sun exposure, waxing or plucking, and remember to shave the treatment area right before the procedure.

03.  Laser Treatment for Hair Removal

We ensure minimum discomfort and pain, as the procedure is quick and precise, with our skin specialists guiding you through each step during the treatment session. Typically, achieving effective hair removal requires 2 to 6 sessions, depending on your skin and hair condition.

04.  Post-Treatment Care

Our skincare specialists see through the entire laser treatment process with you. After each session, we will provide you with post-care instructions to keep your skin flawless and glowing and ensure long-lasting results.

Why Choose Us

Get Smooth Hair-free Skin at Our Clinic in Abu Dhabi

Laser hair treatment works by precisely targeting hair follicles. The laser’s energy is absorbed by the hair pigment while leaving the surrounding skin unaffected. It’s a precise procedure that results in smooth and hairless skin.

At Bella Medical Centre, our dermatologists and skin specialists are expert in providing the laser hair removal treatment with extraordinary accuracy, ensuring effective results and minimum discomfort.

Precise Laser Treatment

Precise Laser Treatment The procedure guarantees flawless
skin without the pain you get from hair
waxing and plucking.

State-of-the-art Technology

State-of-the-art Technology It ensures quick and highly
effective sessions - perfect for
a busy weekly routine.

Longstanding Results

Longstanding Results The effective outcomes of our laser treatments help you save time and money, freeing you from the pain and discomfort of waxing or plucking.

Precise Laser Treatment

Team of Skin Specialists At our laser clinic in Abu Dhabi, our dermatologists are always available for any question about skin procedures and pre/post-treatment recommendations.

Post Treatment Care

Get a Smooth and Radiant Skin With Our Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Before and after each session, our skin specialist will provide you with all the information necessary to ensure your desired results. The process requires at least 2 to 6 sessions, always depending on your skin condition. Here are some tips to maximize effectiveness:

  • Use soothing creams or aloe vera to alleviate any bumps or redness
  • Avoid applying any strong chemicals that may cause irritation on the treated areas
  • Minimize exposure to the sun that could cause hyperpigmentation or dark spots
  • Limit body massages and heavy workouts in the days following the treatment
  • Always keep your skin hydrated and clean by gently exfoliating whenever needed
  • Refrain from plucking or waxing the treatment area to preserve treatment progress

Long-lasting Effectiveness

Transforming Results: Before and After Laser Hair Removal

We ensure excellent outcomes in a few sessions, thanks to our team’s expertise and our advanced technology.

Our Team

Skin Specialists and Dermatologists

At our clinic in Abu Dhabi you’re always in good hands. We offer a wide range of treatments – from advanced dental services to various skin treatments – for which we work with highly experienced doctors and specialists. Our dermatologists and skin specialists are here to guide you to find the perfect treatment plan for your skin condition, assisting you throughout the procedure with experience and care.

Get Your Personalized Skin Treatment

Book an Appointment

What Our Happy Clients
Say About Us

Lawrence Coatado

I am very satisfied with the result of my journey using invisalign with the professional skill of Dr. Sukphreet and his team. I had a very good experience with Bella Medical, everyone is so nice and accommodating. The clinic’s ambience is classy and hygienic in my every visit.Highly recommended.

Marah Ali

I got my Invisalign done at Bella Clinic with Dr. Sukhpreet Mangat and it was a fantastic experience. Everyone there is super professional and super friendly, including the staff, the nurses, and the doctors. Dental clinics usually freak me out but this is place has such a comfortable atmosphere. Truly loved it, it’s my go-to dental clinic.

Mustafa Hussain

Dr Sukhpreet is an excellent Invisalign specialist. He is a very good communicator and answered all my questions. He also cares about his patients and them getting the right results. I would recommend him without hesitation.

Heba Mohammed

Very professional staff and doctors at Bella Medical Centre, I was recommend to do my four implants there through friends who already were patients. Dr.Ihssan were very professional kind and honest, he explained every step of the process and the result of the implants was excellent.

Faris Mohammed

I’ve been wanting to get my invisalign for years and finally found the place to go! Ive had such an amazing experience with Bella medical center. The stuff is so professional and always on top of my treatment.

Before & After

Experience The Difference

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Frequently Asked

At our laser clinic in Abu Dhabi, skin specialists and dermatologists always put your comfort first. While some clients may experience minimal discomfort during treatment, such as tingling or warmth, our modern laser technology and expertise ensure that this is minimized. We use a variety of approaches, including cooling systems, to ensure your comfort during the treatment. Rest assured that we will guide you through each stage and provide a comfortable experience that is suited to your specific needs.

The time it takes to see results with laser hair removal treatment depends on several factors, including hair color, skin type, and the area being treated. While some clients see a reduction in hair growth after their first sessions, best results usually require 2 to 6 sessions. During your consultation with our dermatologists, we will evaluate your specific situation and provide you with a tailored treatment plan. We will also discuss realistic expectations along with answering any questions you may have regarding the procedure.

Laser hair removal is generally safe when performed by experienced and qualified professionals, such as our skin specialists at Bella Medical Centre. Although adverse effects are relatively rare, some patients may experience brief redness, swelling, or mild irritation in the treated area. These side effects normally go away shortly after therapy. Our experts take every measure to reduce possible negative effects and ensure your safety and comfort throughout the procedure. We will give you detailed pre- and post-treatment care recommendations to help you manage any discomfort and maximize the results of your treatment.

Many clients benefit from laser hair removal, which reduces hair growth over time. While the effects are not always permanent, the vast majority of clients enjoy considerable and long-term hair removal. Individual characteristics such as hair color, skin type, and hormonal fluctuations may influence the results of the laser treatment. Our skin specialists will work closely with you to create a treatment plan that is personalized to your unique requirements and goals. We'll also talk about maintenance treatments that can help you keep the results you've achieved over time.

The number of laser treatment sessions required for efficient hair removal varies according to hair color, skin type, and area of treatment. At our laser clinic in Abu Dhabi, our trained skin specialists will assess your specific situation and create a personalized treatment strategy to obtain the best outcomes. While some individuals achieve significant hair removal after just a few sessions, the majority require repeated treatments spaced several weeks apart for the best results. We'll track your progress throughout the process and alter your treatment plan as needed to get the most significant results.

While the danger of scarring is extremely minimal, it is essential to adhere to all pre- and post-treatment recommendations given by our dermatologists in order to reduce any possible risks or consequences. Our modern laser technology and experience enable accurate and controlled treatment while reducing the possibility of side effects. During your appointment, we will discuss and address any concerns you may have so that you can feel at ease throughout the process. Your safety and satisfaction are our top priority.

Our Clinic

Bella Medical Centre – Villa #15, Marfa Al Bateen, Abu Dhabi