Lip filler treatment is a popular and safe way of adding volume to your lips. It is a procedure that could give you plumper and smoother lips and enhance your lip’s natural beauty. But how exactly does it work, and how long do lip fillers last? Here’s everything you need to know about lip filler treatments:

Lip Filler Treatment: How Does It Work?

Before the lip filler treatment, your technician will clean and sanitize your lips to ensure a safe and hygienic procedure. To ensure your comfort, a numbing cream will be applied to your lips. This will take approximately ten minutes to take effect.

Your technician will then use a small needle to create tiny punctures in your lips and apply pigment to the area, which will then give you plumper, well-defined lips.

How Long Do Lip Fillers Last?

How long lip fillers last is dependent on various factors, but most treatments generally last from 6-12 months.

Factors that affect the longevity of lip fillers are a person’s metabolism and age. People with faster metabolisms tend to break down the filler at a faster pace. Young people tend to burn calories faster, which leads to their lip fillers dissolving faster.

Other factors affecting how long lip fillers last also include the type of filler used and how much filler is injected.

How to Make Lip Fillers Last Longer

Although lip fillers are not permanent and wear away over time, there are some things you can do to make them last longer. Consider doing the following:

Avoid Sun Exposure

Exposure to UV rays can cause some types of fillers to break down faster. Thus, it is best to avoid the sun, especially during peak hours, to make your lip fillers last longer. You can also wear sunscreen or a hat to cover your face and lips and use a lip balm with SPF.

Manage Exercise

Staying in shape is important, but you should not overdo exercising as it can lead to increased metabolism, which will cause your body to break down the fillers at a faster pace. This does not mean that you should stop exercising; you should only avoid exercising strenuously for your fillers to last longer.

Control Your Stress Levels

Stress can have an impact on your health and your lip filler lifespan. The more you are stressed, the higher your cortisol levels, which will then cause your body to break down the fillers. So, make sure to minimize your stress. Deal with stress by taking care of yourself and doing things that would relax your mind and body.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Eating junk food and unhealthy processed food causes inflammation in the body, which then causes your lip fillers to break down faster. On the other hand, eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables will help you stay healthy and prolong the results of your lip filler treatment.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water, as proper hydration can help maintain the volume and appearance of your lips.

Lip Filler Aftercare: What to Do After Your Treatment

Aftercare is an essential part of your lip filler treatment and is important for making your lip fillers last longer. To maintain your new look and ensure the best possible results, here’s what you should do after your treatment:

Avoid Touching Your Lips

Avoid applying pressure to your lips for the first few hours. Touching or pressing your lips can increase the risk of infection and disturb the lip filler.

Apply Ice

Apply ice or cold compresses on your lips after the treatment as this will help reduce swelling, itching, or other kinds of pain. When using ice, remember to wrap it in a cloth so that it does not stick to your lips and cause discomfort.

Avoid Alcohol

You should not drink alcohol for a few days before and after your lip filler treatment. Alcohol acts as a blood thinner and can cause inflammation, bruising, and swelling. So, it’s best to avoid alcohol to avoid complications after your treatment.

Avoid Smoking

It is advised not to smoke after a lip filler treatment as smoking increases the risk of infection and can damage the filler.

Avoid Using Straws

As mentioned earlier, you should not apply pressure to your lips. So, it is advised not to use straws after your treatment as drinking from straws puts pressure on the lips, causing the lip filler to distort.

Avoid Hot Environments

After your treatment, you should avoid hot environments or rooms with high temperatures such as saunas or steam rooms, as high heat can irritate your lips and make swelling more noticeable.

Sleep in the Right Position

Avoid sleeping on your face or sleeping face down on your pillow. Instead, try to sleep with your head elevated on pillows in order to reduce swelling.

Schedule Follow-Up Appointments

To monitor your progress, it’s best to schedule follow-up appointments with the professionals. They may also be able to address any concerns you may have.

The Advantages of Lip Fillers

Here are the advantages and benefits of lip fillers:

Enhanced Appearance

The main reason why people get lip fillers is because they enhance the appearance of your lips. Lip fillers can improve lip symmetry, add volume, and give you fuller and well-defined lips. This can also boost your self-confidence.

Safety: Little to No Side Effects

Lip filler treatment is generally safe and there’s a low risk of side effects. There is a small chance of side effects such as swelling, redness, or bruising occurring within a few hours or days, but they usually go away for a short period of time. To avoid side effects and minimize any potential risks, it is best to follow aftercare instructions.

Quick Procedure and No Downtime

The procedure is quick, usually taking less than an hour. You can also resume your daily activities immediately after treatment. However, even though most treatments do not require downtime, you should still observe lip filler aftercare.

Contact Bella Medical Centre for Lip Filler Treatment

Lip fillers generally last from 6-12 months. It’s important to note that the skills and techniques used by the professional can also affect how long lip fillers last. So, it is best to choose the best clinic for your lip filler treatment.

At Bella Medical Centre, we have a team of professionals who use the latest techniques and top-quality products to enhance the natural beauty of your lips.

With our lip filler treatment, you can achieve plumper, well-defined lips that beautifully enhance your facial features. Contact us today!

You may have undergone or are considering a teeth whitening treatment to get a brighter smile. However, for the treatment to be fully successful, you have to do your part and watch what you eat and drink for a few days after the procedure.

To maintain that radiant smile, you have to take note of foods and beverages that can harm your newly whitened teeth. In this blog, we will explore what food you can eat after teeth whitening and what foods and drinks to avoid.

What You Can Eat After Teeth Whitening

It’s important to eat food that will not stain your teeth. Here’s what you can eat after your teeth whitening procedure:

Chicken, Turkey, Tofu, and Fish

Light, lean white meat is good for freshly whitened teeth. Chicken and turkey are acid-free, healthy, and delicious. Tofu is also a good choice when you just had your teeth whitened.

As for fish, make sure to avoid darker fishes and go for white fish like albacore. It’s also important not to use vibrant sauces and seasoning. Instead, stick to white sauce.

White Rice, Pasta, and Bread

Rice is light-colored and good to pair with meat. Pasta is fine, but just make sure to avoid colored sauces and stick to creamy white sauces. Bread is also safe to eat after teeth whitening, but you may consider removing the crust.

Additionally, for pasta and bread, be cautious of the ingredients, as some brands add food coloring or molasses to make them look darker.

Dairy Products: White Cheese and Yogurt

Dairy products such as cheese and yogurt are rich in calcium and are beneficial for strengthening the enamel of your teeth. Just make sure to stick with white cheese or lightly-colored cheese and not artificially colored cheese.

As for yogurt, stick to white yogurt or plain yogurt and avoid colored yogurt as they can contribute to stains in your teeth.

Egg Whites

Egg whites are full of protein and safe, but the yolk has color and could stick to your teeth. So, it’s best to avoid the yolk when you’re making egg dishes.

Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are not only good for a healthy diet; they are also good for your teeth. You can eat light-colored fruits such as bananas, apples, and pears and light-colored vegetables such as mushrooms, white onions, and potatoes. For potatoes, it’s best to peel the skin off and just eat the insides.


Porridge is another safe option after teeth whitening, but it should be consumed with milk only, and no sugar. If you want your porridge sweet, use a sweetener instead.

Foods and Beverages to Avoid After Teeth Whitening

Now that you know what foods you can eat after teeth whitening, here are the foods and beverages you should avoid after your treatment:

Dark Fruits and Vegetables

Dark-colored fruits and vegetables are rich in pigments that can stain your teeth. Thus, you should avoid fruits such as blueberries, grapes, and raspberries and vegetables such as carrots, spinach, and purple cabbage.

Red Meats

Red meats must be avoided because they can stain your teeth. They are also very acidic and can increase tooth sensitivity. Since it is both staining and acidic, it’s best to avoid red meat and stick with white meats such as chicken and white fish.

Chocolate and Candy

It’s best to avoid these sweets after teeth whitening as they can cause tooth decay, discoloration, and enamel erosion. They both contain artificial colors that can stain your teeth, so avoid them after your procedure.

Coffee and Tea

Coffee and tea may be hard to let go of as they may be part of your morning routine, but you must do so in order to protect your newly whitened teeth. Both coffee and tea contain a substance called tannins, which can build up over time and darken your teeth.


You should avoid red and white wine after your teeth whitening procedure. Red wine can harm the color and enamel of your teeth due to its acidity and dark color.

White wine, on the other hand, cannot stain your teeth, but its acidity can weaken your enamel, which will then increase your vulnerability to future staining.

Dark-Colored Sauces and Condiments

While they may taste good with your food, sauces and condiments such as ketchup, soy sauce, and mustard must be avoided because they can stain your teeth quickly.

Soft Drinks

Soft drinks are acidic, high in sugar, and full of artificial coloring. They can damage tooth enamel and lead to discoloration, so it is best to avoid these drinks after teeth whitening.

Fruit Juices

Fruit juices are acidic and can adversely affect tooth enamel. Fruit juices such as orange juice or grape juice can also cause staining.

Other Ways to Protect Your Teeth After Whitening Treatment

Apart from watching what you eat and drink after your teeth whitening procedure, you can also protect your teeth by doing the following:

Quit Smoking

Smoking affects your teeth and gums and can cause staining. Smoking causes a lot of oral health problems, and if you really want to keep your teeth white for longer, then consider quitting smoking.

Get Regular Dental Check-Ups and Cleaning

Regular dental check-ups and cleaning help keep your teeth healthy and avoid dental issues. Your dentist can regularly check for any underlying problems and help keep your teeth clean.

So, make sure to visit your dentist often. Your dentist will also likely recommend touch-up treatments to maintain the brightness of your teeth.

Brighten Up Your Smile: Contact Bella Medical Centre for Teeth Whitening Treatment in Abu Dhabi

To get the best teeth whitening treatment, it’s important to choose the best dental clinic.

At Bella Medical Centre, we have a team of dental professionals who use safe and effective methods to remove stains and discoloration from your teeth, giving you a brighter, more radiant smile.

We provide personalized care to ensure that your teeth whitening treatment is tailored to your needs and preferences. Contact us today!

Our Clinic

Bella Medical Centre – Villa #15, Marfa Al Bateen, Abu Dhabi