They say that your hair is a crown. As long as you have good hair, you can get away with anything, and achieve whatever overall look you desire. Your hair is important for looking good every day, and so it can be frustrating when you begin losing hair. It’s not nice to always have a bad hair day, and losing hair can make you lose confidence. So, how do you prevent hair loss? In this blog, we will discuss some ways to prevent hair loss.

Here’s How to Prevent Hair Loss


1. A Healthy Diet: Eat Healthy

It is a well-known fact that having a healthy diet can improve your physical health. But did you know that eating healthy can also help prevent hair loss? Having a poor diet can contribute to hair loss, and if you’re not getting enough nutrients such as protein or iron, you can suffer from hair loss.

So, to prevent hair loss and nourish your body and scalp, you can have a protein-rich diet and eat chicken, fish, eggs, turkey, and dairy products. It’s important to remember that you should be mindful of the food you eat – it’s not just about your physical health, but also taking care of your hair and preventing hair loss.

2. Gentle Styling: Avoid Tight Ponytails or Braids

Another way to prevent hair loss is to avoid hairstyles that pull your hair tightly. Your hair can only be stretched so much before it becomes permanently damaged. Wearing your hair tightly pulled back in ponytails, braids, pigtails, or buns can pull your hair away from the scalp and loosen the bond between your scalp and hair. Anything that pulls on your hair can lead to permanent hair loss.

Limit the tension on your hair from these styles. You can instead loosen up the hairstyle, such as loosening braids instead of having tightly braided hair. If your hairstyle feels painful, it means that it’s too tight, and tightly pulled hairstyles can cause your hair to fall out.

3. Be Gentle with Wet Hair

Your hair is fragile and in a vulnerable state when it is wet. So, whenever your hair is wet, you should be gentle and take extra care after washing. Use a wide-tooth comb for wet hair. When towel-drying, make sure not to rub your hair as it can cause damage and hair loss. Additionally, it’s important to note that you should avoid sleeping with wet hair, as this can weaken the strands and cause breakage.

4. Avoid Harsh Treatments: Hot Oil Treatments, Chemical Treatments, and More

If you want to prevent hair fall, it’s very important to protect your hair from chemicals and heat. Hot oil treatments, chemical treatments, and heat styling tools can damage your hair and lead to hair loss.

Chemical treatments such as perms, hair dyes, and bleaching can damage your hair and scalp, so if you want to prevent hair loss, you should limit dyes, perms, and other treatments that can likely damage your hair.

Heat styling tools such as curling and straightening irons can also damage your hair over time. So, as much as possible, avoid using heat to style your hair, as it can weaken your hair. Use these tools for special occasions only, and not regularly.

5. Choose Hair Products Wisely

Use a mild shampoo when washing your hair, as some shampoos can strip moisture from your hair and lead to hair loss. You can also use products that are specifically formulated to prevent hair fall or shampoos that can help reduce or prevent hair loss. Additionally, it’s important to note that overwashing your hair with shampoo or shampooing too often can damage your hair, so just put the right amount of shampoo.

6. Reduce Stress

Stress is associated with hair loss. Stress can cause excessive shedding. Your hair can also stop growing because of stress. So, stress does not just cause unhappiness or dark circles under the eyes, it can also lead to hair fall.

Stress cannot really be avoided, but you should find ways to cope or deal with it. Do some activities that can help in managing stress, such as yoga, exercising, or getting more rest or sleep. Do things that make you happy to reduce stress. This can help prevent hair loss.

7. Limit Sun Exposure

To prevent hair loss, limit sun exposure and protect your hair from sunlight. When you’re in the sun, you could wear a hat or cap, scarf, or any other head covering. You should also apply sunscreen daily.

8. Massaging Your Scalp

Massaging your scalp can help improve your hair condition. Scalp massage can promote hair growth, as it stimulates blood circulation. It can relieve stress, which is another way of preventing hair loss. You can massage your scalp when your hair is dry or you can do it while you are washing your hair. Whichever way, massaging your scalp can be relaxing, so go for it.

9. Use the Right Brush and Brush Gently

A soft, natural bristle brush is less likely to tear or damage your hair. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, use a wide-tooth comb for wet hair. Brush or comb your hair gently and avoid tugging when brushing or combing. Start from the top and gently brush through to the end.

10. Stop Smoking

Smoking causes serious health problems and can also contribute to hair loss, as it damages the hair follicle. So, to prevent hair loss and not aggravate it, it’s better to quit smoking.

Medical Treatments for Hair Loss


Medical Treatments for Hair Loss

It’s better to address hair loss early. If you notice a significant amount of hair loss, it’s best to seek help from a medical professional and consider medical treatments as soon as possible.

With Bella Medical Centre’s hair loss treatment, you can expect long-term results that will restore your hair’s natural thickness and help prevent future hair loss. Our hair loss treatments include PRP therapy, laser hair therapy, and hair transplant surgery. We provide medication and support to help ease any pain or discomfort. Contact us today for medical treatments for hair loss!


Do you have stained, misaligned, or chipped teeth? Are you wondering how you may be able to enhance the appearance of your teeth and your smile? One of the most common cosmetic dentistry treatments is dental veneers. You may be asking, “What are dental veneers?” Here’s what you need to know about dental veneers.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells that are designed to cover the front surface of your teeth. They are cosmetic in nature and can conceal imperfections such as cracks, stains, discolouration, and gaps between the teeth, ultimately enhancing the appearance of your smile.

The different types of veneers include porcelain veneers and resin-based composite veneers. Veneers are bonded to the tooth to improve aesthetics.

Dental veneers are an option for people who have stained, misaligned, or chipped teeth. Veneers can also help conceal misshapen teeth or teeth that are too small. To have dental veneers, you should be free of gum disease and extensive cavities. Consult your dentist if you have serious oral health issues before trying out cosmetic dentistry treatments.

What Are the Differences Between Dental Veneers, Dental Crowns, and Dental Implants?

Apart from dental veneers, you may have heard of dental crowns and dental implants to improve the appearance of your smile. While dental crowns and dental implants, like with dental veneers, all help improve the cosmetic appearance of your teeth, they are used for different purposes.

1. Dental Crowns

Dental crowns cover an entire tooth’s structure to add strength and protection. They cover the whole tooth (not just the front) and are designed to repair and strengthen decaying or damaged teeth.

They are used to build up teeth that are terribly damaged and protect teeth so that they do not deteriorate. A dental crown is used when you have a tooth that’s severely fractured, you have lots of cavities, or you just got a root canal.

2. Dental Implants

Dental implants, on the other hand, are small posts that serve as a substitute for the root of the tooth. They are implanted in a person’s jawbone and are used to replace missing teeth. They provide a solid foundation for a crown or a bridge. The different types of dental implants are endosteal implants, subperiosteal implants, and zygomatic implants.

3. Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are not used for any of the purposes mentioned above for dental crowns and dental implants. They mainly cover the front of the tooth and are more of a cosmetic treatment. Veneers can be placed on a healthy tooth and serve more of an aesthetic purpose, rather than a restorative one.

So, to sum it up, the main purpose of dental crowns is to restore teeth that are badly damaged either by trauma or decay, dental implants are used to replace missing teeth, while dental veneers are used to improve the appearance of teeth that are still intact.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Veneers?

enefits of Dental Veneers

There are numerous benefits of getting dental veneers, and they are as follows:

1. A Natural Appearance: Dental Veneers Enhance the Appearance of Your Smile

You may have lost self-confidence or you may have been smiling less because of stained or misaligned teeth. Dental veneers can enhance the appearance of your smile and boost your self-confidence. They address issues such as stains, discolouration, gaps, and uneven tooth size or shape. They can even make the darkest teeth appear very bright.

Additionally, dental veneers give a natural appearance. They can be personalized to your teeth and customized to meet your needs. They can blend in with your natural teeth and let you smile with confidence.

2. Dental Veneers Resist Stains

Dental veneers are resistant to stains. They are made of high-tech materials and remain white and bright for their lifetime. However, you still need to go get routine dental check-ups for your veneers to remain in good condition.

3. Dental Veneers Last Long

Dental veneers, particularly porcelain veneers, are durable and last long. With proper care, they can last for up to 10 to 15 years.

4. Dental Veneers Are Easy to Maintain

There is no special cleaning process required and no additional maintenance is needed. Like with your natural teeth, brush them and floss to maintain your veneers. To maintain a good condition for your veneers, you only need to brush, floss, and visit your dentist regularly.

5. A Quick Process

Veneer placement is a quick process compared to other orthodontic treatments. It will only require a few appointments to achieve a transformed smile.

Additionally, compared to other dental treatments, veneer placement involves minimal removal of teeth enamel, which preserves more of your natural tooth structure. Your natural teeth will remain largely intact. The procedure is not painful, and there’s no downtime after.

How Does the Procedure for Dental Veneers Work?

Your dentist will examine your teeth and gums to see if you are an eligible candidate for veneers. They will also assess the number of veneers required as well as the shade and shape of the veneers needed.

Before they place the veneers, your dentist will have to prepare your teeth first. This involves removing a small amount of enamel from the surface of your teeth. This will allow the veneers to bond properly. Thereafter, your dentist will place the veneers onto the surface of your teeth. Your dentist will then check your bite and make adjustments if needed.

The procedure is not painful, and as mentioned earlier, there is no downtime or a recovery period needed. You can return to your normal activities the next day and make sure to maintain good oral hygiene habits.

Bella Medical Centre’s Hollywood Smile Treatment

Dental veneers can give you a bright, natural-looking smile. To get desirable results, you should choose the best dental clinic for your treatment.

With Bella Medical Centre’s Hollywood Smile treatment, you can say goodbye to stained, misaligned, or chipped teeth. We use a variety of treatments, such as teeth whitening and dental veneers to transform your smile. Contact us today!

Have you been hiding your smile due to missing teeth? Have you lost confidence because of it? Dental implants are a popular option for tooth replacement. If you have missing teeth, you should consider dental implants.

But you may be wondering what dental implants are, how the process works, and what are the benefits. Here’s all you need to know about dental implants:

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are small posts that serve as a substitute for the root of the tooth. It is basically an artificial replacement for a missing tooth’s root. Dental implant procedures replace missing or damaged teeth with artificial teeth that look and function like real teeth.

The surgeon inserts an implant into the jawbone. The implant acts as an anchor for the custom-made crown. An abutment connects the crown to the implant.

Dental implants may be a good option for you if you have one or more missing teeth. They can provide natural-looking and natural-feeling replacements for missing teeth.

Dental implants provide a strong foundation for replacement teeth and look natural, as the crown can be custom-designed to match the colour, size, and shape of your surrounding natural teeth. It’s definitely a long-term solution to replace missing teeth.

The Different Types of Dental Implants

There are different types of dental implants, and they are as follows:

Endosteal Implants

Endosteal implants are the most common type of implants and the ones that are mostly recommended to patients. They are shaped like screws and are surgically implanted into the jawbone. They serve as artificial roots and provide a solid foundation for a crown or bridge.

Subperiosteal Implants

Subperiosteal implants are implants that are placed under the gum but above the jawbone. This kind of implant may be used on patients who do not have a strong enough jawbone or patients who don’t have adequate bone height to hold an endosteal implant.

Zygomatic Implants

Zygomatic implants are recommended if you have an insufficient amount of jawbone. What makes zygomatic implants different from the rest is that they are fixed to the cheekbone rather than the jawbone. This type of implant is a specialized choice for specific cases, and you would need to have detailed discussions with your dentist about it.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

There are numerous benefits of dental implants, and they are as follows:

Protection Against Bone Loss

Dental implants help prevent bone loss that occurs after losing a tooth. When you have a tooth removed without replacing it, your jawbone can worsen over time. Empty spaces from lost teeth can instigate bone deterioration. Additionally, the shape of your face and mouth can change.

Dental implants can counteract all this. Since dental implants act as tooth roots and are fixed in your jaw like natural teeth, they stabilize your jawbone, prevent bone loss, and ensure good facial structure.

Durability: Dental Implants Are Long-Lasting

With proper care and maintenance of good dental hygiene, dental implants can last a lifetime. If you are looking for a long-term solution, getting dental implants is the answer. It’s also important to have regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices to maintain the longevity of the dental implant.

No More Cavities

Dental implants cannot get cavities – they are immune to cavities. They are made of materials that resist decay. There’s no need to worry about cavities forming on the implant itself. However, note that it is still important to practice good oral hygiene for the longevity of the implant and to prevent gum disease and other oral health issues.

Dental Implants Prevent Tooth Movement

Missing teeth leave gaps, and this can cause surrounding teeth to move towards the gap. This will result in a lot of problems. It can affect your ability to bite and chew. But dental implants can fill the gap between your teeth. It can prevent your teeth from drifting or moving. With dental implants, you wouldn’t have to worry about problems gaps can cause.

Improved Functionality

Misaligned teeth impact biting, chewing and speaking abilities. Dental implants offer improved functionality. Dental implants are fixed in your jawbone like your own natural teeth. They can restore your bite force, allowing you to chew your food better and enjoy your meals fully.

Additionally, speaking functions are also enhanced. With dental implants, you will be able to speak more clearly. With dental implants, you can speak, eat, and smile with confidence.

A Natural Appearance

The crown on top of the implant is made to match the size, shape, and color of your existing teeth. It can blend in with your natural teeth, resulting in a natural appearance. Dental implants fill the gaps with teeth that look and feel like natural teeth.

Ideal Candidates for Dental Implants

People with one or more missing teeth should opt for dental implants. However, you also need to have healthy gums, among other things. You may be a good fit for a dental implant procedure if:

You Have Healthy Gums

You need to have healthy gums because gum disease can jeopardize the success and effectiveness of dental implants. Healthy gums are essential, and they reduce the risk of problems. So, it’s important to have healthy gums.

You Have Adequate Bone Density

Adequate bone density is important for successful anchoring. For dental implants to be successful, there should be enough bone in your jaw to support it. Patients with bone loss may have to go through pre-operative procedures such as bone grafting before the implant procedure.

You Have Good Overall Health

Good overall health is important. Chronic illnesses, like diabetes or heart disease, can affect the healing process. Those without chronic illnesses tend to recover more smoothly. Additionally, tobacco has a negative impact on implant success. So, smokers may be advised to quit before the procedure as smoking can increase the risk of complications.

Ultimately, individual eligibility is determined by a dental professional through a thorough evaluation. Every person has a different health history, so it’s important to talk to your dentist first. Generally, however, if you have healthy gums, adequate bone density, and good overall health, you may be an ideal candidate for the dental implant procedure.

Choosing a Dental Clinic for Dental Implant Surgery

If you decide to get dental implants, you should choose the best dental clinic for you. At Bella Medical Centre, we have a team of qualified and experienced dentists who specialize in implants. You can get dental implants in a safe and effective way. Contact us today!

Dark circles under the eyes can be bothersome. They make you look extra tired, stressed, or even older. So, how to get rid of dark circles under your eyes? In this blog, we will discuss the causes of dark circles under the eyes and how to treat them, including medical under-eye treatment.

What Causes Dark Circles Under Eyes?

You may be wondering why you have dark circles under your eyes in the first place. Here are some causes of dark circles under the eyes:

Lack of Sleep

Sleepless nights can lead to dark circles under the eyes. If you do not get enough sleep, the skin underneath your eyes can grow pale, and your blood vessels become more visible. Lack of sleep or poor sleeping habits doesn’t just result in you having no energy during the day. It can also cause other problems like dark circles under your eyes.

Ageing Contributes to Dark Circle Development

Age is another cause of dark circles under the eyes. As we get older, our skin becomes thinner and loses volume and elasticity. The dark blood vessels beneath your skin become more visible or noticeable, which then causes a darker appearance in the area below your eyes.

Too Much Exposure to the Sun

Too much exposure to the sun can trigger your body to make more melanin, the pigment that gives your skin its colour. Additionally, sun damage can also weaken your skin, which can lead to dark circles.

Medical Factors

People who have allergies, anemia, thyroid disease, hay fever, or eczema may be prone to developing skin changes around the eyes, leading to dark circles.

Lifestyle Factors That Lead to Dark Circles Under Eyes

Lifestyle factors such as dehydration, smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol, and stress can also cause dark circles and puffiness. If you do not drink enough water, the skin under your eyes can become darker and dull. Smoking and drinking alcohol can also contribute to dark circle development. The same goes for high-stress levels.

Additionally, persistent rubbing of your eyes can damage your skin. Rubbing and scratching your eyes can cause your blood vessels to break and the area under your eyes to swell.

At-Home Remedies for Dark Circles Under Eyes

There are things you can do at home to get rid of dark circles under your eyes. Home remedies include the following:

Get More Sleep

To reduce and prevent dark circles under your eyes, it’s important to get enough sleep. This will help your skin repair and renew itself. Additionally, you should elevate your head during sleep, as sleeping on extra pillows will help prevent swelling around the eyes.

Apply Cold Compress

Dilated blood vessels can darken your under-eyes. To prevent this from happening, apply a cold compress to your eyes. A cold compress can help shrink dilated blood vessels and reduce the appearance of dark circles and puffiness. You can try using cold spoons.

Use Cool Cucumber Slices

Place thick, chilled slices of cucumber on your eyes for about 10 minutes twice a day. This will help reduce the appearance of dark circles and puffiness, as cucumbers are full of vitamin C and water. Cucumbers can help nourish and moisturize the skin.

Use Tea Bags

Tea bags can also help reduce dark circles and puffiness under your eyes. Soak two tea bags into warm water, refrigerate them, and then place the cold tea bags on your eyes. Keep them there for five minutes then remove the tea bags and rinse the area with cold water.

Facial Massages

Poor circulation around your eyes can lead to dark circles. A gentle massage around the eye area can help improve circulation.

Medical Treatments for Dark Circles Under Eyes

If home remedies are not enough and you want to get rid of dark circles fast, medical treatments for your under eyes are available. Here are some medical treatment options for dark circles:

Injectable Fillers

Injectable fillers such as those made with hyaluronic acid gel can increase volume and help smooth out your under-eye area. Fillers help with volume loss under the eye, which can lead to dark circles.

Laser Therapy

Another medical treatment option is laser therapy. Laser treatments use heat to remove damaged cells and can help resurface and tighten your skin. Laser therapy can lighten the skin under your eyes and can also help with increasing collagen production.


Radiofrequency is another way of reducing dark circles under the eyes. It stimulates collagen production and helps in firming and tightening your under-eye area, which would reduce the appearance of dark circles. It will also lessen the visibility of blood vessels, which contribute to dark circles under the eyes.

After under-eye treatments, you may experience some side effects such as mild swelling, redness, or bruising. These side effects, however, usually subside within a few days. You can talk to a medical professional about concerns you may have. They can also advise you about aftercare treatment.

Tips to Prevent Dark Circles Under Eyes

There are some things you can do to prevent dark circles under your eyes. Apart from getting enough sleep, you can consider doing the following:

Minimize Sun Exposure and Apply Sunscreen

Because too much exposure to the sun can cause dark circles, it’s better for you to avoid the sun as much as possible. Additionally, apply sunscreen and wear sunglasses.

Reduce Your Stress

Find ways to manage your stress. Take care of yourself and do things that would help you relax your mind. Getting enough sleep will also help with this.

Have a Healthy Lifestyle

As mentioned earlier, smoking and alcohol can lead to dark circles. So, one must avoid drinking too much alcohol or quit smoking. Additionally, drink lots of water to avoid getting dehydrated.

Bella Medical Centre’s Under Eye Treatment

Medical treatments can help get rid of dark circles under your eyes. With dark circles gone, you can also look refreshed. Say goodbye to dark circles and puffy eyes with Bella Medical Centre’s under-eye treatment.

At Bella Medical Centre, we use a combination of techniques, including injectable fillers, laser therapy, and radiofrequency, to achieve natural-looking results. Our skilled professionals can assess the condition of your under-eye area and recommend a suitable treatment plan for you. Contact us today!

Lip filler treatment is a popular and safe way of adding volume to your lips. It is a procedure that could give you plumper and smoother lips and enhance your lip’s natural beauty. But how exactly does it work, and how long do lip fillers last? Here’s everything you need to know about lip filler treatments:

Lip Filler Treatment: How Does It Work?

Before the lip filler treatment, your technician will clean and sanitize your lips to ensure a safe and hygienic procedure. To ensure your comfort, a numbing cream will be applied to your lips. This will take approximately ten minutes to take effect.

Your technician will then use a small needle to create tiny punctures in your lips and apply pigment to the area, which will then give you plumper, well-defined lips.

How Long Do Lip Fillers Last?

How long lip fillers last is dependent on various factors, but most treatments generally last from 6-12 months.

Factors that affect the longevity of lip fillers are a person’s metabolism and age. People with faster metabolisms tend to break down the filler at a faster pace. Young people tend to burn calories faster, which leads to their lip fillers dissolving faster.

Other factors affecting how long lip fillers last also include the type of filler used and how much filler is injected.

How to Make Lip Fillers Last Longer

Although lip fillers are not permanent and wear away over time, there are some things you can do to make them last longer. Consider doing the following:

Avoid Sun Exposure

Exposure to UV rays can cause some types of fillers to break down faster. Thus, it is best to avoid the sun, especially during peak hours, to make your lip fillers last longer. You can also wear sunscreen or a hat to cover your face and lips and use a lip balm with SPF.

Manage Exercise

Staying in shape is important, but you should not overdo exercising as it can lead to increased metabolism, which will cause your body to break down the fillers at a faster pace. This does not mean that you should stop exercising; you should only avoid exercising strenuously for your fillers to last longer.

Control Your Stress Levels

Stress can have an impact on your health and your lip filler lifespan. The more you are stressed, the higher your cortisol levels, which will then cause your body to break down the fillers. So, make sure to minimize your stress. Deal with stress by taking care of yourself and doing things that would relax your mind and body.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Eating junk food and unhealthy processed food causes inflammation in the body, which then causes your lip fillers to break down faster. On the other hand, eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables will help you stay healthy and prolong the results of your lip filler treatment.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water, as proper hydration can help maintain the volume and appearance of your lips.

Lip Filler Aftercare: What to Do After Your Treatment

Aftercare is an essential part of your lip filler treatment and is important for making your lip fillers last longer. To maintain your new look and ensure the best possible results, here’s what you should do after your treatment:

Avoid Touching Your Lips

Avoid applying pressure to your lips for the first few hours. Touching or pressing your lips can increase the risk of infection and disturb the lip filler.

Apply Ice

Apply ice or cold compresses on your lips after the treatment as this will help reduce swelling, itching, or other kinds of pain. When using ice, remember to wrap it in a cloth so that it does not stick to your lips and cause discomfort.

Avoid Alcohol

You should not drink alcohol for a few days before and after your lip filler treatment. Alcohol acts as a blood thinner and can cause inflammation, bruising, and swelling. So, it’s best to avoid alcohol to avoid complications after your treatment.

Avoid Smoking

It is advised not to smoke after a lip filler treatment as smoking increases the risk of infection and can damage the filler.

Avoid Using Straws

As mentioned earlier, you should not apply pressure to your lips. So, it is advised not to use straws after your treatment as drinking from straws puts pressure on the lips, causing the lip filler to distort.

Avoid Hot Environments

After your treatment, you should avoid hot environments or rooms with high temperatures such as saunas or steam rooms, as high heat can irritate your lips and make swelling more noticeable.

Sleep in the Right Position

Avoid sleeping on your face or sleeping face down on your pillow. Instead, try to sleep with your head elevated on pillows in order to reduce swelling.

Schedule Follow-Up Appointments

To monitor your progress, it’s best to schedule follow-up appointments with the professionals. They may also be able to address any concerns you may have.

The Advantages of Lip Fillers

Here are the advantages and benefits of lip fillers:

Enhanced Appearance

The main reason why people get lip fillers is because they enhance the appearance of your lips. Lip fillers can improve lip symmetry, add volume, and give you fuller and well-defined lips. This can also boost your self-confidence.

Safety: Little to No Side Effects

Lip filler treatment is generally safe and there’s a low risk of side effects. There is a small chance of side effects such as swelling, redness, or bruising occurring within a few hours or days, but they usually go away for a short period of time. To avoid side effects and minimize any potential risks, it is best to follow aftercare instructions.

Quick Procedure and No Downtime

The procedure is quick, usually taking less than an hour. You can also resume your daily activities immediately after treatment. However, even though most treatments do not require downtime, you should still observe lip filler aftercare.

Contact Bella Medical Centre for Lip Filler Treatment

Lip fillers generally last from 6-12 months. It’s important to note that the skills and techniques used by the professional can also affect how long lip fillers last. So, it is best to choose the best clinic for your lip filler treatment.

At Bella Medical Centre, we have a team of professionals who use the latest techniques and top-quality products to enhance the natural beauty of your lips.

With our lip filler treatment, you can achieve plumper, well-defined lips that beautifully enhance your facial features. Contact us today!

You may have undergone or are considering a teeth whitening treatment to get a brighter smile. However, for the treatment to be fully successful, you have to do your part and watch what you eat and drink for a few days after the procedure.

To maintain that radiant smile, you have to take note of foods and beverages that can harm your newly whitened teeth. In this blog, we will explore what food you can eat after teeth whitening and what foods and drinks to avoid.

What You Can Eat After Teeth Whitening

It’s important to eat food that will not stain your teeth. Here’s what you can eat after your teeth whitening procedure:

Chicken, Turkey, Tofu, and Fish

Light, lean white meat is good for freshly whitened teeth. Chicken and turkey are acid-free, healthy, and delicious. Tofu is also a good choice when you just had your teeth whitened.

As for fish, make sure to avoid darker fishes and go for white fish like albacore. It’s also important not to use vibrant sauces and seasoning. Instead, stick to white sauce.

White Rice, Pasta, and Bread

Rice is light-colored and good to pair with meat. Pasta is fine, but just make sure to avoid colored sauces and stick to creamy white sauces. Bread is also safe to eat after teeth whitening, but you may consider removing the crust.

Additionally, for pasta and bread, be cautious of the ingredients, as some brands add food coloring or molasses to make them look darker.

Dairy Products: White Cheese and Yogurt

Dairy products such as cheese and yogurt are rich in calcium and are beneficial for strengthening the enamel of your teeth. Just make sure to stick with white cheese or lightly-colored cheese and not artificially colored cheese.

As for yogurt, stick to white yogurt or plain yogurt and avoid colored yogurt as they can contribute to stains in your teeth.

Egg Whites

Egg whites are full of protein and safe, but the yolk has color and could stick to your teeth. So, it’s best to avoid the yolk when you’re making egg dishes.

Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are not only good for a healthy diet; they are also good for your teeth. You can eat light-colored fruits such as bananas, apples, and pears and light-colored vegetables such as mushrooms, white onions, and potatoes. For potatoes, it’s best to peel the skin off and just eat the insides.


Porridge is another safe option after teeth whitening, but it should be consumed with milk only, and no sugar. If you want your porridge sweet, use a sweetener instead.

Foods and Beverages to Avoid After Teeth Whitening

Now that you know what foods you can eat after teeth whitening, here are the foods and beverages you should avoid after your treatment:

Dark Fruits and Vegetables

Dark-colored fruits and vegetables are rich in pigments that can stain your teeth. Thus, you should avoid fruits such as blueberries, grapes, and raspberries and vegetables such as carrots, spinach, and purple cabbage.

Red Meats

Red meats must be avoided because they can stain your teeth. They are also very acidic and can increase tooth sensitivity. Since it is both staining and acidic, it’s best to avoid red meat and stick with white meats such as chicken and white fish.

Chocolate and Candy

It’s best to avoid these sweets after teeth whitening as they can cause tooth decay, discoloration, and enamel erosion. They both contain artificial colors that can stain your teeth, so avoid them after your procedure.

Coffee and Tea

Coffee and tea may be hard to let go of as they may be part of your morning routine, but you must do so in order to protect your newly whitened teeth. Both coffee and tea contain a substance called tannins, which can build up over time and darken your teeth.


You should avoid red and white wine after your teeth whitening procedure. Red wine can harm the color and enamel of your teeth due to its acidity and dark color.

White wine, on the other hand, cannot stain your teeth, but its acidity can weaken your enamel, which will then increase your vulnerability to future staining.

Dark-Colored Sauces and Condiments

While they may taste good with your food, sauces and condiments such as ketchup, soy sauce, and mustard must be avoided because they can stain your teeth quickly.

Soft Drinks

Soft drinks are acidic, high in sugar, and full of artificial coloring. They can damage tooth enamel and lead to discoloration, so it is best to avoid these drinks after teeth whitening.

Fruit Juices

Fruit juices are acidic and can adversely affect tooth enamel. Fruit juices such as orange juice or grape juice can also cause staining.

Other Ways to Protect Your Teeth After Whitening Treatment

Apart from watching what you eat and drink after your teeth whitening procedure, you can also protect your teeth by doing the following:

Quit Smoking

Smoking affects your teeth and gums and can cause staining. Smoking causes a lot of oral health problems, and if you really want to keep your teeth white for longer, then consider quitting smoking.

Get Regular Dental Check-Ups and Cleaning

Regular dental check-ups and cleaning help keep your teeth healthy and avoid dental issues. Your dentist can regularly check for any underlying problems and help keep your teeth clean.

So, make sure to visit your dentist often. Your dentist will also likely recommend touch-up treatments to maintain the brightness of your teeth.

Brighten Up Your Smile: Contact Bella Medical Centre for Teeth Whitening Treatment in Abu Dhabi

To get the best teeth whitening treatment, it’s important to choose the best dental clinic.

At Bella Medical Centre, we have a team of dental professionals who use safe and effective methods to remove stains and discoloration from your teeth, giving you a brighter, more radiant smile.

We provide personalized care to ensure that your teeth whitening treatment is tailored to your needs and preferences. Contact us today!

If you want to maintain a healthy smile and good oral health, it’s important to pay a visit to the dentist. Dental check-ups will help keep your teeth healthy and avoid dental issues. But how often should you actually see your dentist?

In this blog, we will discuss why dental check-ups are essential and how often you should get routine check-ups at the dentist.

Why Routine Dental Check-Ups Are Important

A routine dental check-up is when your dentist conducts a thorough examination of your teeth, gums, and mouth.

Regular check-ups with a dentist can help find problems early and address dental issues before they escalate. Your dentist will be able to detect underlying conditions and recommend the right treatment.

Having routine check-ups with your dentist will also allow them to educate you on proper oral health practices, recommend the best dental products, and suggest lifestyle changes to improve your oral hygiene, all of which would be beneficial to your oral health.

Dental check-ups are important for maintaining good oral health, and that is why you should not skip going to the dentist.

How Often Should You Get Dental Check-Ups?

It is recommended that you visit the dentist every six months for a routine check-up and teeth cleaning. However, people who are at a higher risk for dental problems may require more frequent check-ups.

Individuals with oral health issues or medical conditions may need to schedule regular appointments with a dentist more often than the six-month interval. Here are some factors that affect the frequency of dental check-ups:

Oral Health Issues

You may have current oral health issues such as frequent cavities, gum disease, tartar build-up, or tooth decay. Or perhaps you have had these oral health issues in the past or have a family history of oral health issues.

In these cases, you may be required to visit a dentist more often than every six months in order to have your oral health monitored and managed effectively.

A Person’s Lifestyle

Your lifestyle is also crucial in determining how often you should get routine check-ups at the dentist. For instance, if you smoke or excessively drink alcohol, you may need to visit your dentist frequently, as these activities can contribute to dental issues.

If you often drink liquids that can stain your teeth or eat sugary or acidic foods, you may need to visit your dentist more frequently for teeth cleaning.

Medical Conditions

You may have medical conditions such as diabetes, a weakened immune system, or heart disease. People with these conditions may have an increased risk of oral health issues and would require more frequent visits to the dentist.

Additionally, if you are pregnant, you may need to see the dentist frequently as pregnant women are more susceptible to gingivitis or inflammation of the gums.

Age Group

Different age groups may require different frequencies of visits to the dentist. Children may require frequent routine dental check-ups to monitor the development of their teeth.

Seniors or older adults may also need to see the dentist more often than the six-month standard, as they might face more dental issues, such as gum disease or tooth loss.

Dental History

Past dental procedures or treatments can affect how often you should see a dentist. For instance, if you have gone through orthodontic treatments, dental implants, or bridges, you may require frequent check-ups for maintenance.

Similarly, if you are currently under a treatment plan, whether it’s for braces, Invisalign, or TMJ treatment, you may be required to have frequent check-ups with your dentist for monitoring.

Other Dental Problems

It’s important to note that if you experience problems such as bleeding gums, persistent toothache, or symptoms of TMJ jaw problems such as jaw pain or stiffness or clicking or popping sounds in the jaw, it is best not to ignore them and delay visiting the dentist.

When you have dental problems like these, visit your dentist as soon as possible. These dental problems may require you to visit your dentist more frequently for treatment.

What to Expect During Your Routine Dental Check-Up

During your dental check-up, your dentist will check and examine your teeth and gums for any problems or issues, such as cavities or gum disease. They will assess your overall oral health and may conduct tests, X-rays, or oral cancer screenings.

Your dentist will also ask about your lifestyle, general health, or dental history, as well as your teeth-cleaning habits. They will advise you on ways to improve your oral hygiene and teeth-cleaning habits.

You can also expect your dentist to thoroughly clean your teeth to remove plaque and tartar. Your dentist will also recommend treatment if needed.

Make the Most of Your Routine Dental Check-Ups

Make every visit to the dentist count. To do so, you can prepare some questions to ask. If you have any questions or concerns, write them down and tell your dentist about them.

Dental check-ups are also a time for patient education, so it’s a time when you can learn more from your dentist and be more informed about the best ways to manage your oral health.

Another thing you could do is maintain a dental journal. Take note of your teeth-cleaning habits and note any changes in your mouth. If you have any concerns or observations regarding your teeth or gums, discuss them with your dentist.

Choose the Best Dental Clinic for Your Routine Check-Ups

It’s best to visit a dentist every six months for routine check-ups and cleaning. However, if you have ongoing dental issues or concerns, you should visit a dentist as soon as possible. It is also important to choose the best dental clinic for the best services.

At Bella Medical Centre, we offer a comprehensive range of dental treatments to help you maintain optimal oral health. Our team of highly specialized dentists conduct regular check-ups, routine cleanings, and other treatments to help you maintain good oral health. Contact us today!

Laser hair removal has become a popular choice for people aiming for smooth and hair-free skin. If you are looking for a more convenient and permanent solution for getting rid of unwanted body hair, and you haven’t been happy with shaving, waxing, or plucking, you can try out laser hair removal.

But, you may be wondering, is laser hair removal safe? What exactly is this kind of treatment and how does it work? Here’s everything you need to know about the laser hair removal procedure.

What Is Laser Hair Removal and How Does It Work?

Laser hair removal is a treatment to remove unwanted hair on your body using a concentrated beam of light. It’s a long-lasting form of hair removal that damages the hair follicle, which then prevents future hair growth.

People may get a laser hair removal treatment on any part of their body, but the most common areas include the underarms, bikini area, legs, face, and back.

Laser hair removal is an alternative to other hair removal methods such as shaving, waxing, plucking, or threading and is a more permanent solution in getting rid of unwanted body hair.

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?

Laser hair removal is generally safe, as long as it’s performed by experienced and qualified professionals.

Most side effects of laser hair removal are minor and temporary. Common side effects include redness, swelling, or irritation in the treated area. These are mild side effects that usually go away in one to three days. Serious or adverse side effects such as burns, blisters, scars, pigment changes, or infections are rare.

You will also be given pre- and post-treatment recommendations by your dermatologist to reduce any possible risks and consequences. With safety measures and trained professionals to execute the treatment, laser hair removal is safe, and there is no need to worry.

The Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

There are numerous benefits of laser hair removal. These include:

Laser Hair Removal Is a Long-term Solution

While the effects of laser hair removal are not always permanent, it is a long-term solution to getting rid of unwanted hair. When hair does grow back, it will be lighter and less noticeable. You will get long-lasting effects and results with laser hair removal.

Laser Hair Removal Is Less Painful

You may experience minimal discomfort during the treatment, but laser hair removal is a less painful option compared to other hair removal methods such as waxing, tweezing, and threading.

Laser Hair Removal Is a Precise Treatment

Another advantage of the laser hair removal treatment is precision. The lasers can effectively target dark, coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin untouched.

Laser Hair Removal Is a Quick Procedure

Laser hair removal is a fast way of getting rid of unwanted hair, and procedures don’t take long. Laser hair removal sessions are quick and short, with some procedures taking less than 20 minutes. The smaller the treatment area, the shorter the procedure. Larger areas, such as the back or legs, may take up to an hour.

Laser Hair Removal Prevents Ingrown Hairs

Laser hair removal does not only remove unwanted hair; it also helps with other issues, such as ingrown hair. Shaving, waxing, and methods of hair removal can cause ingrown hairs. But with laser hair removal, you won’t have to worry about such because it reduces the risk of ingrown hairs and can prevent bumps and itching.

Preparing for Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Like with other treatments, laser hair removal requires you to follow some rules to maximize its effectiveness. Here’s what you need to do before your treatment:

Avoid Sun Exposure

Weeks before your laser hair removal treatment, you should stay away from the sun. Avoid prolonged sun exposure as it can make the treatment less effective.

Shave the Treatment Area

Make sure to shave the area that will be treated a day before your session. Doing so will make the procedure work effectively, as it will help the laser light directly target the follicles beneath the skin.

Avoid Other Hair Removal Methods

No waxing or plucking before your session. Avoid other hair removal methods weeks before your laser hair removal treatment, as they can disturb the hair follicle and negatively affect the effectiveness of the laser.

Laser Hair Removal Post-Treatment Care

Taking care of your skin after laser hair removal is important to reduce side effects, so here’s what you should do after your treatment:

Stay Away from the Sun

After your session, you should still avoid sun exposure. Your skin will be more sensitive to the sun after your laser hair removal treatment. The sun can also irritate your skin, which could then cause blisters and scars.

Keep Your Skin Hydrated and Clean

Following your treatment, always keep your skin hydrated and clean by gently exfoliating whenever needed. You can also use aloe vera gel to moisturize your skin. Applying aloe vera or soothing creams will also alleviate any bumps or redness.

Avoid Plucking or Waxing

Refrain from plucking or waxing in the treated area between sessions as this could interfere with the process.

Avoid Heavy Workouts and Heat Treatments

The heat from the laser stays in your skin for a day, so it’s best to avoid working out and heat treatments such as spas and saunas in the days following your laser hair removal treatment. Also, avoid hot baths and hot showers.

Avoid Applying Perfumed Products or Strong Chemicals

Your skin will be very sensitive after the treatment, and perfumes and fragrances may be too harsh on your skin. So, make sure not to apply lotions with fragrances or perfumes to the treated area. It’s important to avoid applying any strong chemicals that could cause irritation on the treated area.

Contact Bella Medical Centre for Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Laser hair removal is safe, as long as the treatment is performed by trained professionals. So, it’s important to choose the best clinic with highly experienced dermatologists and skin specialists.

At Bella Medical Centre, we offer advanced laser treatments to reduce and remove unwanted hair and help you get smooth and hair-free skin. We ensure minimum discomfort and pain during the procedure and will guide you with preparation and post-treatment care.

We are also ready to answer any questions you may have regarding laser hair removal treatment. Contact us today!

What Is Acne?

Acne is a skin condition that arises when hair follicles below the skin surface become congested. A combination of sebum, the skin’s natural oil, and dead skin cells, causes this congestion, resulting in the formation of pimples or acne.

Acne typically manifests on the face, but it can also emerge on the back, chest, and shoulders. How does the inflammation happen?

The pores are clogged by a blend of sebum, hair, and keratinocytes – a type of skin cell – which obstructs the follicle opening. This blockage fosters the growth of bacteria normally residing on the skin. This triggers inflammation, which is characterised by swelling, redness, heat, and discomfort.

What Causes Acne?

Medical studies confirm that the following elements lead to acne:

  • Excessive production of oil in the pores
  • Accumulation of dead skin cells
  • Bacteria in the pore

In addition to these causes, there are some factors that can increase acne development. It is important to understand them to find out the best solution to remove acne effectively.

Hormonal Factors

Acne’s root cause can be related to hormonal imbalances.

Hormonal triggers like puberty and menstrual cycles can lead to acne. Pregnancy and conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can also cause it.

Increased androgen levels, prevalent during these periods, cause intensified oil production, leading to aggravation of acne symptoms.

Diet and Lifestyle

Dietary choices and lifestyle habits have a significant impact on acne development.

High glycemic index foods, dairy consumption, and excessive intake of sugary or processed foods can aggravate acne symptoms.

Additionally, stress and inadequate sleep may also contribute to its persistence.

Genetic Predisposition

Genetics play a crucial role in acne development too. If one or both parents experienced acne, the likelihood of their children facing similar issues can increase. Genetic factors impact sebum production, the body’s inflammatory response, and the skin’s cell shedding process. This affects a person’s susceptibility to acne.

Understanding these genetic influences helps find personalised approaches to manage acne with effective treatments.

What Are the Different Types of Acne?

Acne creates different kinds of pimples. Doctors call clogged or big hair follicles with the technical name “comedones”.

There are various types of acne:

  • Whiteheads. These stay under the skin and form white bumps because of clogged follicles.
  • Blackheads. Follicles that get clogged and reach the skin surface, looking black because of the air’s effect on the skin’s oil, not because they’re dirty.
  • Papules. These are inflamed and show up as small, pink bumps on the skin, often feeling sore.
  • Pustules or pimples. Papules topped with white or yellow pus-filled bumps that might be red at the bottom.
  • Nodules. Big, painful solid lumps deep within the skin.
  • Severe nodular acne (also called cystic acne). Extremely deep, painful, pus-filled lumps.

How to Remove Acne Effectively?

Skincare Routine for Acne-Prone Skin

An effective skincare routine for acne-prone skin is essential. With the help of a specialist, choose the right skincare products.

Start with a gentle cleanser suitable to your skin’s type. It will wash away dirt and excess oil without stripping the skin’s natural moisture.

Add non-comedogenic products, such as an oil-free face moisturiser and water-based makeup, to prevent pore blockage.

Use targeted treatments like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to address active breakouts. Peel treatments help unclog pores, while regular sunscreen application safeguards against potential skin irritation.

The first step is to consult a specialist doctor to find your routine and personalised treatments for an optimal skin health.

Home Remedies and Natural Treatments

Various natural options can complement skincare routines.

Tea tree oil is useful for antimicrobial properties. It can be diluted and applied topically to affected areas to reduce acne-causing bacteria.

Additionally, ingredients like aloe vera, with soothing effects, or witch hazel, with astringent properties, can help calm inflammation and reduce redness.

Natural exfoliants like oatmeal or honey can gently cleanse the skin without causing irritation. Including in your diet foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and probiotics may also support overall skin health.

However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to find the best remedies, to ensure suitability and avoid potential adverse reactions.

Medical Procedures

There is a wide range of medical therapies for acne, from prescription medications to various dermatological procedures.

Prescription medications often include topical treatments like retinoids, which help unclog pores and regulate skin cell turnover. Antibiotics, both topical and oral, are used to reduce acne-causing bacteria and inflammation. In more severe cases, oral medications like isotretinoin might be prescribed to address deep, persistent acne.

Dermatological procedures such as chemical peels, laser therapy, or light-based treatments target acne. They reduce oil production, kill bacteria, and aid in skin rejuvenation.

These procedures are recommended for moderate to severe acne or when topical treatments prove insufficient.

Consulting doctors in a clinic specialised in skin treatment helps determine the most suitable medical intervention based on the severity and specific needs of your acne condition.

Acne Prevention Strategies

To prevent acne and to keep healthy skin after acne treatments, lifestyle changes are the key.

Start with simple adjustments. Regular cleansing, avoiding harsh scrubbing, and using non-comedogenic products make a significant difference.

Additionally, maintaining a balanced diet with fewer processed foods can promote clearer skin. Incorporating more fruits, vegetables, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help too.

Long-term maintenance involves consistent skincare routines, adequate hydration, managing stress levels, and protecting the skin from excessive sun exposure with sunscreen.

Adopting these lifestyle adjustments and dietary modifications can prevent acne. They can also help maintain clear skin after successful acne treatment.

So, How Do I Get Rid of Pimples?

First of all, you have to understand what causes your acne. You also have to employ effective removal techniques and implement preventive measures.

Addressing causes such as hormonal imbalances, diet, and genetics is crucial. Simple steps like gentle cleansing, targeted treatments, and a consistent skincare routine can aid in removal and prevention.

Yet, it’s essential to seek professional guidance, especially for persistent or severe acne cases. Dermatologists can offer personalised solutions, prescribe medications, or suggest treatments like chemical peels or laser therapy.

Specialised dermatology clinics often offer tailored treatments like the perfection peel, designed to target acne concerns effectively. A chemical solution is applied to your skin to exfoliate the outer layer of dead skin cells. It also unclogs pores and reduces acne scars.

Clinically supervised treatments like these can complement skincare routines, providing a more targeted approach to treat acne.

While adopting a consistent skincare regimen at home is essential, seeking the expertise of dermatologists and exploring specific treatments it’s a proactive step towards healthier skin.

Hair loss affects people of all ages and genders, often leading them to seek medical solutions. Yet, a crucial but overlooked aspect of our well-being lies in our dietary habits and the nutrients we provide our bodies.

Sometimes, the answer to hair loss can be as simple as a deficiency in specific vitamins. Before starting a specific hair loss treatment, it’s essential to understand which vitamin deficiency causes this problem and see if there are changes we can make to our daily routine.

Let’s explore the important connection between vitamins and hair health. We aim to uncover insights that could help restore and maintain thick and healthy hair.

What is the role of vitamins in hair health?

As confirmed by reliable studies, vitamins are important elements in maintaining the overall health and vitality of our hair. They play a part in the nourishment of hair follicles. They also support the hair growth cycle and aid in maintaining the strength and resilience of each strand.

Vitamins are crucial for healthy hair growth. They provide necessary building blocks and essential nutrients. Vitamins also help combat factors that might lead to hair loss or brittleness. Their presence ensures that the hair remains healthy, strong, and in optimal condition.

How vitamin deficiency can lead to hair loss?

Vitamin deficiency can impact hair health, leading to various forms of hair loss. When the body lacks essential vitamins, it disrupts the natural hair growth cycle. This disruption often makes hair weak. Hair is then more likely to break, become thin, or shed excessively.

Vitamins are crucial for maintaining the health of hair follicles and support the processes needed for healthy hair growth. Deficiencies in specific vitamins can impair these processes. This can contribute to hair loss issues, such as alopecia or generalized thinning. Understanding and addressing these deficiencies are key steps in combating hair loss. That will also promote optimal hair health.

What are important vitamins for hair health?

Reliable studies confirm that a balanced intake of essential vitamins is fundamental for nurturing healthy, strong hair. These key vitamins serve as integral elements in the support and maintenance of vibrant hair growth. Understanding their significance is crucial. It helps address deficiencies that may cause hair loss or weakened hair structure.

Biotin (Vitamin B7)

It is essential for the production of keratin, a protein that forms the structure of hair.

Biotin stands out as a significant link to combatting hair loss. Beyond this, its benefits extend to strengthening nails, preventing brittleness, and aiding in managing blood sugar levels.

A well-balanced diet typically provides biotin, but deficiencies can occur. They are often due to genetic factors or lifestyle choices, such as smoking or specific medication use, like antibiotics.

Other B Vitamins

Other B vitamins contribute to hair well-being. They are linked to amino acid metabolism, which, in turn, contributes to keratin synthesis – the protein forming hair structure. When there’s a B vitamin deficiency, hair follicles might not get all the necessary nutrients. This can lead to weakened, thin, or less healthy hair.

Here are the specific functions of B vitamins:

  • Vitamin B3: stimulates scalp microcirculation

  • Vitamin B5: improves hair growth

  • Vitamin B6: vital for amino acid metabolism, strengthening hair structure

  • Folic Acid (Vitamin B9): essential for protein synthesis, including keratin

  • Vitamin B12: supports cell functioning, hair renewal, and scalp anchorage

These vital vitamins are present in many foods incorporated into our diet:

  • Vitamin B3 & B5: Almonds, mushrooms, asparagus, and avocados.

  • Vitamin B12: Meat, fish, and spirulina.

  • Folic Acid (B9): Leafy greens, eggs, cereals, and dairy.

  • Vitamin B6: Spinach, poultry, sunflower seeds, and tomatoes.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that prevents damage from free radicals. It also plays a crucial role in our body’s absorption of iron. Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiency and can cause hair loss. That’s why it’s essential to consume enough vitamin C to facilitate proper iron absorption.

Vitamin D

Adequate vitamin D is crucial for maintaining healthy skin and bones. It also promotes the creation of new and robust hair follicles, essential for hair growth. However, a deficiency in this vital nutrient can trigger various issues.

Low vitamin D levels are linked to hair loss, in conditions of androgenetic alopecia (AGA), telogen effluvium (TE), and alopecia areata (AA).

It is fundamental to combat low vitamin D levels including vitamin D-rich foods in our diets. In particular, avocado, chia seeds, and nuts. Also, safe sun exposure and assessing medications might deplete natural vitamin D levels.

Lifestyle Habits to Improve Hair Health and Growth

Maintaining healthy hair involves also adopting lifestyle habits that support optimal hair health.

Adequate hydration is crucial; drinking enough water helps keep hair hydrated from within. Managing stress levels is also very important. A significant stress level can contribute to hair problems. Regular exercise promotes good circulation. This ensures nutrients reach hair follicles, aiding in their nourishment.

Additionally, establish a consistent hair care routine. Use gentle products suitable for your hair type. Also, avoid excessive heat styling to preserve hair strength and prevent damage.

Lastly, ensuring ample rest and quality sleep allows the body to repair and regenerate, benefiting hair health.

These lifestyle habits can significantly contribute to healthier and thicker hair.

How to Maintain Your Hair Healthy

Understanding the vital role vitamins play in hair health is key to preventing potential deficiencies that may lead to hair loss.

Incorporating a balanced diet, proper care, and lifestyle adjustments can improve hair health. It can also reduce the risk of deficiencies causing hair problems.

It is also important to take care of your hair with the help of specialists. If you notice significant changes in hair health, or a significant increase in hair loss, address to dedicated clinics that provide specific treatments.

Our Clinic

Bella Medical Centre – Villa #15, Marfa Al Bateen, Abu Dhabi