Dealing with acne or pimples can be difficult and challenging. Acne breakouts are also very frustrating. There are, however, some things you can do to prevent pimples from appearing on your face.

There are ways to reduce breakouts and keep your skin free from acne or pimples, from washing your face daily to limiting sun exposure. In this blog, we will discuss tips on how to stop pimples coming on your face.

10 Tips for Preventing Pimples

Pimples on the face can be very frustrating. The good news is, there are ways to prevent pimples from coming on your face in the first place. Here are ten tips for preventing pimples.

1. Wash Your Face Twice a Day

To prevent pimples on your face, it’s important to wash your face. Washing your face twice daily will help remove oil, dead skin cells, dirt, and sweat. Use warm water and a mild cleanser. Rinse thoroughly then dry your face with a clean towel.

While it is important to wash your face daily to prevent pimples, you should remember that overwashing your face can lead to pimples. This is because excess washing can cause the skin to become dry, which would result in more pimples. So, remember to wash your face no more than twice daily.

2. Keep Your Hair Clean and Watch What You Put on Your Hair

It’s important to wash your hair regularly and keep it clean to prevent pimples on your face. The oil from your hair can add to the oil on your face, which could lead to acne. So, shampoo your hair often and keep your hair away from your face.

Additionally, it’s important to note that you should watch what you put on your hair. Be mindful of the products you use, as products that contain oil can lead to pimples on the head and hairline. It is better to use a gentle shampoo and conditioner when washing your hair. Also, if you have long hair, tie it to keep it out of your face.

3. Limit Makeup

Now, you don’t have to stop wearing makeup. You should, however, make sure to remove the makeup at the end of the day, before you go to bed. You should also choose makeup products that are labeled “noncomedogenic”, which means they are less likely to clog your pores.

Additionally, while it may be tempting to cover your pimples with makeup, doing so will only make things worse. It can trigger breakouts and clog pores. Take note that you should avoid wearing makeup during a breakout.

Also, when you do use makeup, be sure to clean your makeup brushes regularly. And again, wash your makeup off before you go to bed.

4. Limit Sun Exposure: Stay Out of the Sun

Too much sun exposure can lead to damaging effects on the skin. So, avoid the sun as much as possible, and to protect your skin, wear sunscreen. However, you should also make sure that the sunscreen you use is noncomedogenic and oil-free to prevent pimples. Always read the ingredients on the product label before you buy them.

5. Reduce Stress: Manage Your Stress Levels

If you want to prevent pimples from coming on your face, you should reduce stress and manage your stress levels. Stress can lead to breakouts, and keeping your stress levels low can help prevent acne. You may also have noticed that your acne or pimples get worse when you are very stressed.

So, find out what’s causing you lots of stress and look for ways to manage stress. You can sleep more, do something relaxing such as meditation, walk in the park, spend time in nature, or simply do something you love. De-stress or unwind to prevent pimples.

6. Avoid Foods Linked to Acne

Certain foods can contribute to acne breakouts, such as sugary foods, high in carbohydrates, and dairy products. So, it is better to cut down on these types of foods. Besides, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet, so it’s better to put fruits, vegetables, and whole grains on your diet and limit eating ultra-processed foods.

7. Avoid Touching Your Face

Try to avoid touching your face as much as possible because when you touch it, you can transfer bacteria onto your skin. This may be tough to do, but keep your hands off your face so that you will not spread bacteria.

You should also make sure to wash your hands regularly so that if you do touch your face, your hands are clean. Additionally, it’s important to note that you shouldn’t pop or squeeze pimples. While it may be tempting to do so, it will only make things worse, as it can lead to infection and scarring.

8. Use a Moisturizer

If your skin gets too dry, it can lead to pimples. To avoid dry skin, use a moisturizer, as it can help keep your skin hydrated. You should, however, be mindful of the moisturizer you use and make sure that it does not contain oil or other ingredients that may irritate your skin and cause pimples.

Make sure that they are noncomedogenic, meaning it should not cause acne. Check the ingredients list first before you purchase the moisturizer.

9. Stay Hydrated

If you are dehydrated, your body can signal your skin’s oil glands to produce more oil. So, make sure to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. You should also remember to drink lots of water after you finish exercising.

10. Exercise Daily

Exercising regularly is good for your health and your skin. Additionally, exercise can also help reduce your stress and give you better sleep. There are definitely numerous benefits you can get from regular exercise. It’s good for your whole body, including your skin. Just remember to wash off sweat to prevent acne. Shower after you exercise.

Final Thoughts on Preventing Pimples

Acne Treatment

Pimples on your face can be upsetting, but the good news is that there are ways to prevent them. Wash your face twice a day, use products that won’t trigger acne or pimples, manage your stress levels, and stay out of the sun.

If you want to understand acne more and are struggling with getting rid of it, it is better to speak to medical professionals and consider treatments to get clear and flawless skin.

Dental braces have numerous advantages: they can correct crooked or crowded teeth, address gaps and spaces between your teeth, and ultimately improve your smile. But with all these benefits come sacrifices. When you have braces, you have to take note of the food you can eat and foods you should avoid.

You have to be mindful of what you eat, especially on the first few days after getting braces. Loosen brackets and wires can lead to more unscheduled appointments (which can be costly). Damage can also lead to your treatment time lasting longer, which means you have to wear your braces longer.

So, what are the foods to eat when you have braces? And what are the foods to avoid?

Foods to Eat When You Have Braces

When you have braces, you have to be mindful of the food you eat. It is better to stick to soft foods to prevent damage to your braces and keep them in good condition. Basically, you should eat food that is easy to chew. Here is a list of foods to eat when you have braces.


Soups are a good option when you have braces. They are soft and not difficult to make. Having a nice, warm bowl of soup is ideal after you get your braces. Whether you’re having creamy soup or brothy soup, you will not have to worry about breaking a wire or bracket.


Eggs are soft foods, and they will not require a lot of pressure when chewing. You can prepare eggs in many ways – scrambled eggs, fried eggs, and boiled eggs. Whatever way you choose to have your eggs, they will not do damage to your braces.

Apart from the fact that they are easy to chew, they are also very healthy. So, with eggs, you can prevent harm to your braces and at the same time, stay healthy.


Pasta is another food you can eat when you have braces. Pasta is soft, making it a good option to eat when you have braces. You just have to make sure that the other ingredients you add are not very hard or chewy!


Oatmeal is easy to eat and also nutritionally rich. It is also a good option for starting the day. Oatmeal is a comforting choice, as it is delicious and soft. With oatmeal, you can prevent damage to your braces and at the same time, be health-conscious.


Pancakes are tasty and are good for breakfast. Thankfully, they are soft, which makes them part of the foods you can eat when you have braces. There are some foods you have to say goodbye to when you have braces, but thankfully, delicious pancakes are not among them.

The early stage of getting braces may be tough, and you may feel pain or initial discomfort in the first few days. These delicious pancakes are a great way to provide comfort.

Soft Fruits and Vegetables

Remember, you can eat fruits and vegetables when you have braces (and in fact, you should for health purposes), but make sure to eat soft fruits and vegetables. For fruits, bananas, blueberries, grapes, oranges, and melons are good choices. Avoid eating hard fruits such as apples and pears.

For vegetables, make sure that they are soft or cooked. Fruits and vegetables are good for your health, but to protect your braces, make sure to eat soft fruits and vegetables, not crunchy ones!


Fish is another excellent food choice when you have braces because they are soft and easy to eat. You will not have to worry about damaging your braces. Fish also comes with numerous health benefits, so be sure to eat fish while you have braces.


Yogurt is another soft food to eat when you have braces. Yogurt is soft, creamy, and delicious. It’s soothing, and like with other foods to eat when you have braces, it comes with health benefits. Yogurt is ideal when you first get braces and for the rest of your treatment.

Foods to Avoid When You Have Braces

Now, you also have to take note of the foods to avoid when you have braces. Basically, anything that is hard, crunchy, or sticky should be avoided if you want to protect your braces and avoid breaking wires or causing a bracket to separate from a tooth. Here’s a list of foods to avoid when you have braces.

Hard or Sticky Candies

Candies are yummy, but unfortunately, hard candies such as lollipops or candy canes can damage your braces. Sticky candy also isn’t good. So, it is better to wait until your treatment is over and your braces have been removed before you go back to eating hard or sticky candies again.


Popcorn is tasty and a really great snack when it’s movie night, but it is not a good option for people with braces. Kernels are braces’ worst enemy, as they can break wires or brackets. So, while you have braces on, it is better to avoid popcorn. Choose another snack for movie night.

Chewing Gum

When you have braces, you should avoid chewing gum as it can cause damage to wires. Gum can also get stuck in wires or brackets, which could lead to tooth decay and cavities. So, it is better to avoid chewing gum with braces on.

Pizza Crust

If you are a pizza lover, you don’t have to worry because you do not have to let go of pizza. One thing, however, that you should take note of is that you should avoid eating the crust. The crust is crispy and hard, which won’t be safe for your braces. So, remember to slice off the crust before you take a bite!


Nuts are hard and can bend the wires of your braces. So, it is better to avoid nuts as they pose a risk to your braces.

Chips and Hard Crackers

Chips and hard crackers are delicious snacks, but remember, they are hard and crunchy, so they can cause damage to your wires or cause brackets to break. If you want to have a snack during the day, choose soft foods.

Bagels or Hard Rolls

Always remember that hard and chewy foods must be avoided. Bagels or hard rolls can loosen wires and brackets, so it is better to avoid them.


You can have ice in your drinks but remember not to chew on ice. It is a big no when you have braces.

Takeaways on Foods to Eat When You Have Braces

Dental Braces Dubai

Having braces is a time when you have to embrace soft foods and let go of hard, crispy, or sticky ones. Having braces can be challenging as you have to say goodbye to some of your favorite food.

Just remember that the struggles are worth it because braces can straighten your teeth and fix many other dental issues. You just have to take note of the foods to eat when you have braces and foods to avoid in order to get that perfect smile.

Eat soft foods such as soups, eggs, and pasta. Avoid hard and sticky foods such as candies, popcorn, and gum.

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