Many want to straighten their teeth and achieve a confident smile. However, not all want to wear traditional braces with metal wires and brackets. You may have heard of “Invisalign”, but do not know much of it.

Invisalign has grown popular over the past years as an alternative for realigning or straightening your teeth. In this blog, we will discuss how Invisalign works and everything you need to know about this orthodontic treatment.

What Is Invisalign? Understanding How Invisalign Works

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that correctly aligns teeth using a set of custom-made aligners that will gradually shift your teeth into a desired position. The Invisalign aligners are made using a flexible thermoplastic material called SmartTrack.

The aligners are made of smooth and virtually invisible plastic material, which means that you can realign or straighten your teeth without anyone noticing. They are not completely invisible, although they are less noticeable compared to traditional braces.

In Invisalign, the material applies a gentle but constant force, adapting tightly but comfortably around your teeth. Invisalign can treat various teeth misalignment conditions such as open bite, overbite, underbite, crossbite, crowding, and spacing.

Invisalign is suitable for almost anyone who wishes to improve their smile, from teenagers to adults. It is an excellent option for various dental issues, although it is better to schedule a visit with an orthodontist to see whether it is the right choice for your specific condition.

Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces: What Are the Differences?

Both Invisalign and traditional braces can improve the alignment of teeth and ultimately, give you a better smile. However, there are some differences between the two. Here are some differences between Invisalign and traditional braces:

  • As to appearance. Invisalign uses a set of clear plastic aligners, so they are virtually invisible and barely noticeable to other people. On the other hand, traditional braces are made up of metal wires and brackets that are visible to others and may cause self-consciousness.
  • As to treatment length. Generally, Invisalign tends to be faster in achieving straight teeth compared to traditional braces. Traditional braces usually take about two to three years, while Invisalign typically takes between 12 and 18 months. However, it’s important to note that the length of your orthodontic treatment may vary depending on your specific dental needs.
  • As to convenience. Invisalign aligners can be removed whenever necessary. Traditional braces cannot, as they are stuck to the teeth by wires.
  • As to maintenance and oral hygiene. As Invisalign aligners can be removed, maintenance is easier. You can brush and floss your teeth easily as you normally would. On the other hand, brushing and flossing is quite more challenging with traditional braces due to the wires and brackets.

The Advantages of Invisalign

There are numerous advantages of Invisalign, which is why it has become a popular option for straightening teeth. The advantages of Invisalign include the following:

They Are Invisible

The clear aligners are less noticeable compared to the wires and brackets of traditional braces, so you won’t be self-conscious and can smile confidently throughout your entire treatment. Most people won’t be able to tell that you have Invisalign aligners, as these aligners are virtually invisible.

They Are Removable

You can remove the aligner from your mouth whenever you need to, such as on special occasions. But just remember to put them back on so that they can do their job!

Invisalign Offers Comfort and Convenience

Invisalign aligners are smooth and comfortable. You won’t have to worry about sharp edges that can irritate the inside of your mouth, or metal rubbing the inside of your cheeks or gums.

Additionally, Invisalign offers convenience in the sense that there is ease of cleaning your teeth. Because they are removable, it’s easy to brush and floss your teeth.

Invisalign Is Safe

There is no need to worry because Invisalign is safe. The aligners are made of SmartTrack material, which is specifically developed for the treatment. So, whether you need Invisalign for yourself or for your child, there is no need to worry.

Getting Invisalign Will Not Change Your Habits

With Invisalign, you will be able to eat and drink what you like without worrying about your aligners, as long as you clean them following your orthodontist’s instructions. Additionally, Invisalign aligners are removable, so this means there aren’t food restrictions like with traditional braces.

Invisalign Is Suitable for People of All Ages

Invisalign is suitable for people of all ages, including patients suffering from a range of different dental ailments. From teenagers to adults, Invisalign is suitable for almost anyone who wants to improve their smile.

A Rapid and Efficient Treatment

Most of the Invisalign treatments take from 12 to 18 months, and results will start to show after a few weeks. Invisalign corrects misaligned teeth more quickly and efficiently. The process is faster, and in about a year you can achieve the dream smile you’ve been aiming for.

The Invisalign Treatment Process: What to Expect

During your initial consultation with your orthodontist, you can expect X-rays and photos to be taken in order for them to come up with a personalized treatment plan for you.

Then, a set of custom-made aligners will be created. They will gradually shift your teeth into a desired position. You can expect regular check-ups with your orthodontist to ensure that progress is made and so that they can make necessary adjustments.

Once your teeth reach the desired position, the aligners will be removed, and you will then be provided with a custom-made retainer to maintain your new smile.

Choosing Invisalign for a Confident, Beautiful Smile

Many want to improve their smile and straighten their teeth, but not all want to wear traditional braces for various reasons – the appearance, food restrictions, and the challenges that come with wires and brackets.

Invisalign is a modern treatment in orthodontics that’s an alternative to traditional braces. Custom-made aligners that are virtually invisible are used, so your teeth will be transformed without people noticing. Invisalign offers fast and effective results without the hassle and discomfort of traditional braces.

So, if you want to improve your smile and say goodbye to crooked teeth, you can consider Invisalign.

Dental braces have numerous advantages: they can correct crooked or crowded teeth, address gaps and spaces between your teeth, and ultimately improve your smile. But with all these benefits come sacrifices. When you have braces, you have to take note of the food you can eat and foods you should avoid.

You have to be mindful of what you eat, especially on the first few days after getting braces. Loosen brackets and wires can lead to more unscheduled appointments (which can be costly). Damage can also lead to your treatment time lasting longer, which means you have to wear your braces longer.

So, what are the foods to eat when you have braces? And what are the foods to avoid?

Foods to Eat When You Have Braces

When you have braces, you have to be mindful of the food you eat. It is better to stick to soft foods to prevent damage to your braces and keep them in good condition. Basically, you should eat food that is easy to chew. Here is a list of foods to eat when you have braces.


Soups are a good option when you have braces. They are soft and not difficult to make. Having a nice, warm bowl of soup is ideal after you get your braces. Whether you’re having creamy soup or brothy soup, you will not have to worry about breaking a wire or bracket.


Eggs are soft foods, and they will not require a lot of pressure when chewing. You can prepare eggs in many ways – scrambled eggs, fried eggs, and boiled eggs. Whatever way you choose to have your eggs, they will not do damage to your braces.

Apart from the fact that they are easy to chew, they are also very healthy. So, with eggs, you can prevent harm to your braces and at the same time, stay healthy.


Pasta is another food you can eat when you have braces. Pasta is soft, making it a good option to eat when you have braces. You just have to make sure that the other ingredients you add are not very hard or chewy!


Oatmeal is easy to eat and also nutritionally rich. It is also a good option for starting the day. Oatmeal is a comforting choice, as it is delicious and soft. With oatmeal, you can prevent damage to your braces and at the same time, be health-conscious.


Pancakes are tasty and are good for breakfast. Thankfully, they are soft, which makes them part of the foods you can eat when you have braces. There are some foods you have to say goodbye to when you have braces, but thankfully, delicious pancakes are not among them.

The early stage of getting braces may be tough, and you may feel pain or initial discomfort in the first few days. These delicious pancakes are a great way to provide comfort.

Soft Fruits and Vegetables

Remember, you can eat fruits and vegetables when you have braces (and in fact, you should for health purposes), but make sure to eat soft fruits and vegetables. For fruits, bananas, blueberries, grapes, oranges, and melons are good choices. Avoid eating hard fruits such as apples and pears.

For vegetables, make sure that they are soft or cooked. Fruits and vegetables are good for your health, but to protect your braces, make sure to eat soft fruits and vegetables, not crunchy ones!


Fish is another excellent food choice when you have braces because they are soft and easy to eat. You will not have to worry about damaging your braces. Fish also comes with numerous health benefits, so be sure to eat fish while you have braces.


Yogurt is another soft food to eat when you have braces. Yogurt is soft, creamy, and delicious. It’s soothing, and like with other foods to eat when you have braces, it comes with health benefits. Yogurt is ideal when you first get braces and for the rest of your treatment.

Foods to Avoid When You Have Braces

Now, you also have to take note of the foods to avoid when you have braces. Basically, anything that is hard, crunchy, or sticky should be avoided if you want to protect your braces and avoid breaking wires or causing a bracket to separate from a tooth. Here’s a list of foods to avoid when you have braces.

Hard or Sticky Candies

Candies are yummy, but unfortunately, hard candies such as lollipops or candy canes can damage your braces. Sticky candy also isn’t good. So, it is better to wait until your treatment is over and your braces have been removed before you go back to eating hard or sticky candies again.


Popcorn is tasty and a really great snack when it’s movie night, but it is not a good option for people with braces. Kernels are braces’ worst enemy, as they can break wires or brackets. So, while you have braces on, it is better to avoid popcorn. Choose another snack for movie night.

Chewing Gum

When you have braces, you should avoid chewing gum as it can cause damage to wires. Gum can also get stuck in wires or brackets, which could lead to tooth decay and cavities. So, it is better to avoid chewing gum with braces on.

Pizza Crust

If you are a pizza lover, you don’t have to worry because you do not have to let go of pizza. One thing, however, that you should take note of is that you should avoid eating the crust. The crust is crispy and hard, which won’t be safe for your braces. So, remember to slice off the crust before you take a bite!


Nuts are hard and can bend the wires of your braces. So, it is better to avoid nuts as they pose a risk to your braces.

Chips and Hard Crackers

Chips and hard crackers are delicious snacks, but remember, they are hard and crunchy, so they can cause damage to your wires or cause brackets to break. If you want to have a snack during the day, choose soft foods.

Bagels or Hard Rolls

Always remember that hard and chewy foods must be avoided. Bagels or hard rolls can loosen wires and brackets, so it is better to avoid them.


You can have ice in your drinks but remember not to chew on ice. It is a big no when you have braces.

Takeaways on Foods to Eat When You Have Braces

Dental Braces Dubai

Having braces is a time when you have to embrace soft foods and let go of hard, crispy, or sticky ones. Having braces can be challenging as you have to say goodbye to some of your favorite food.

Just remember that the struggles are worth it because braces can straighten your teeth and fix many other dental issues. You just have to take note of the foods to eat when you have braces and foods to avoid in order to get that perfect smile.

Eat soft foods such as soups, eggs, and pasta. Avoid hard and sticky foods such as candies, popcorn, and gum.

Do you have misaligned or crooked teeth? You can improve the appearance of your smile with dental braces, as they can correct crooked or crowded teeth and address gaps and spaces between your teeth. However, getting braces is not just about getting straight teeth or a better smile. Braces are there to address dental issues as well.

Braces can straighten your teeth, improve the appearance of your smile, fix bite issues, and address many other dental problems. Braces also produce long-lasting results. But you may be wondering, “Do I need braces?” Here are eight common reasons for braces.

1. You Have Gaps and Spaces Between Teeth

A reason why you might need braces is to address gaps and spaces between teeth. You may be shy to show off a big smile because of noticeable gaps and spaces between your teeth. However, having gaps and spaces between your teeth is not just a cosmetic issue. Gaps and spacing issues can become an insecurity, but it’s also a matter of health.

These gaps and spaces can lead to more dental issues: it can affect the function of your jaw and bite and can also cause teeth to become crooked. Additionally, food particles can get stuck and collect on your gums, leading to oral health issues.
Braces can close the gaps between your teeth, which would prevent further dental problems. Braces will work to shift your teeth so that they move into a straight position, which will eliminate gaps.

2. You Have an Overbite or Underbite

Another reason to get braces is if you have an overbite or an underbite. An overbite is when your upper teeth significantly overlap your lower teeth. On the other hand, an underbite is when your lower teeth overlap your upper teeth.

Like with other dental problems, overbites and underbites do not just affect your smile’s appearance. They can lead to numerous problems. Overbites or underbites can cause difficulty eating food. You may also notice yourself biting the side of your cheeks or tongue while eating.

Apart from problems while eating, overbites and underbites can cause issues with speaking. You may not be able to form some sounds because of misaligned bites. Additionally, they can also lead to jaw pain or headaches.

Braces can address these issues, as they adjust the position of your teeth and jaws, leading to better oral function and your overall comfort.

orthodontic braces

3. You Have an Open Bite

An open bite is also another reason for braces. It is a unique type of dental issue where one has a visible or noticeable gap between their upper and lower teeth. Having an open bite is having an open space at the front or sides of your teeth when you bite.

If you have an open bite, you can encounter difficulty speaking or eating and develop a habit called tongue thrusting. Additionally, an open bite can lead to temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) or TMJ jaw problems. Braces can address these issues and give you a better smile and overall comfort.

4. Jaw Clicking or Popping

Do you hear clicking or popping sounds in the jaw when you open your mouth, close your mouth, or chew? If you do, you may need braces. Clicking or popping sounds in the jaw is a symptom of TMJ, and TMJ disorders are something that should not be left untreated. Braces can correct the joint’s alignment, which addresses the jaw popping or clicking issue.

Additionally, you may experience soreness in the jawline, and your jaws can feel fatigued after chewing or talking for a long time. This shows that your teeth and jaws need alignment, and braces can help with this.

If you are experiencing frequent jaw pains or if you have other jaw problems, it may be time to visit your dentist and ask about braces or other solutions.

5. You Have Crowded or Crooked Teeth

You may have little tooth space, and your teeth may be pushing against each other or overlapping. It may seem that there is not enough room in your mouth for all your teeth or your mouth is overflowing with teeth. Having crowded teeth is not just a cosmetic problem; it can lead to numerous oral health issues too.

Food is easily trapped in crowded teeth and bacteria can grow in hard-to-reach areas. Dental plaque can hide in places where toothbrush bristles cannot reach. Remember that trapped food can lead to periodontal disease, tooth decay, bad breath, and other oral health issues.

It’s hard to clean crowded teeth, and this can lead to cavities or gum disease. Braces can help with crowded or crooked teeth, as they can spread your teeth out evenly. Once your teeth are straightened, plaque won’t be able to hide easily either.

6. You Have Speech Impediments or Difficulties

Misaligned teeth can cause problems in speech. We need our teeth to talk and pronounce words, so if your teeth are not aligned properly, you may struggle with saying certain words or letters. The way your tongue interacts with your teeth can be affected. You may find it difficult to pronounce words correctly, which could then affect your overall communication.

Braces can address these issues. They straighten your teeth, which would then allow your tongue to touch the teeth needed to speak normally. Braces can address speech impediments or difficulties and let you speak more clearly.

7. Frequent Tongue Biting

If you are frequently biting your tongue unwillingly or cutting your tongue on your teeth, you may need braces. Teeth problems can cause you to bite your tongue, which would lead to pain and discomfort. Braces can adjust your teeth and stop frequent tongue biting.

Remember that it’s not just about having straight teeth. Braces can help with issues such as TMJ jaw problems or speech impediments. Braces can also help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other serious dental problems.

Bella Medical Centre offers dental orthodontic treatments, including braces, Invisalign, and more. Our treatments can straighten your teeth and give you the confidence to smile. Contact us today and say goodbye to crooked or misaligned teeth!

Are you suffering from pain or discomfort in your jaw? You may likely have TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) problems.

The temporomandibular joint, or the TMJ, is the joint that connects your lower jaw to your skull. The joint can be found on both sides of the head in front of the ears. The TMJs help with movements such as eating, chewing, and speaking.

TMJ disorders or dysfunctions are conditions that affect your jaw joints as well as surrounding muscles and ligaments. They occur when the jaw joints, teeth, and facial muscles are out of alignment.

TMJ disorders are when there are problems with your jaw joints or the muscles in your face around your TMJ, or a combination of both joint and muscle problems. These disorders or dysfunctions are abbreviated as “TMD” or “TMJD”, but it is often referred to as simply “TMJ”, which is the name of the joint.

But you may be wondering how to tell if you have TMJ. In this blog, we will discuss the signs and symptoms of TMJ, as well as the causes and treatment options available.

What Are the Symptoms of TMJ?

There are numerous signs that would indicate you have TMJ jaw problems. These symptoms include jaw pain or stiffness, clicking or popping sounds in the jaw, difficulty chewing, headaches, or earaches. If you are experiencing the following, it could mean that you have TMJ:

Jaw Pains

Jaw pain can be pain or stiffness in your jawbone or the area around your ears. You can experience pain or discomfort in the jaw, especially when you are eating. You may have jaw pain when chewing, biting, and even yawning. You could feel pain when moving the jaw, and this could mean that you have TMJ problems.

Clicking or Popping Sounds in the Jaw

When you open your mouth, close your mouth, or chew, do you hear clicking or popping sounds in the jaw? This is a very common symptom of TMJ, so if you do hear such sounds, you could have TMJ disorder. This symptom may or may not be painful.

Additionally, it is important to note that this symptom alone is not enough to conclude that you have TMJ. When the clicking or the sounds are accompanied by pain or limited movement of the jaw (for instance, your jaw gets stuck in an open or closed position), this could mean that you have a TMJ disorder, signifying that you should seek medical advice.

Frequent Headaches or Migraines

Your jaw is connected to your skull; thus, jaw pains can lead to headaches too. If you wake up with a headache or a migraine every morning, this definitely means that there is a problem. Sometimes, these headaches or migraines can be associated with TMJ problems.

So, if you are suffering from frequent headaches or migraines, and they are coupled with other symptoms such as jaw pain or difficulty chewing or biting, you should visit your dentist.

Tinnitus or Ringing in Your Eyes

Ear ringing is another common symptom of TMJ because the jaw and the ears are interconnected. The sounds that fill your head can sound like ringing, clicking, or buzzing. You may be experiencing earaches too, and these are things that can be associated with TMJ problems.

Locking of the Jaw

Another common TMJ symptom is locking of the jaw, or a locked jaw. This is when your mouth gets stuck or locked in an open or closed position as the joint slips out of alignment. You may have trouble opening your mouth wide or closing it again.

When you do get to move it, your jaw will get into place with a loud pop or click. It is important that you do not ignore this symptom, and if you regularly get a locked jaw, you should talk to a medical professional.

Limited Movements

You can be experiencing limited movements such as opening your mouth fully. You may not be able to move your jaw in certain directions, and this can cause discomfort and even pain in your everyday life.

Difficulty Chewing or an Uncomfortable Bite

You may find it difficult to chew or are suffering from a bad bite, and it’s because your jaws are out of alignment. You may feel like your teeth are not closing properly and you might have difficulty with food that is chewy or crunchy. If you have difficulty chewing or an uncomfortable bite, it could be a sign of TMJ disorder.

Dental Issues: Problems with Your Teeth

TMJ disorders can lead to problems with your teeth, such as worn, cracked, or broken teeth. People with TMJ problems tend to clench or grind their teeth, which could lead to such problems. Additionally, TMJ disorders can also affect the health of your teeth. They can give you tooth pain, changes in gum health, and an increased risk of developing cavities.

Pain in the Neck and Shoulders

You can also experience pain in the neck and shoulders. The muscles of your jaw help keep your head and neck aligned. The muscles surrounding the jaw joints connect to the neck muscles, and the latter also connect to the muscles in your shoulders. Jaw pain can lead to pain in other parts of the body such as the neck, shoulders, and upper back.

Numbness or Tingling in the Fingers

Jaw disorders can also cause numbness or tingling in your arms and fingers, and when this is associated with other symptoms of jaw problems, it’s time to seek medical advice and treatments.

What Causes TMJ Jaw Problems?

TMJ problems can be caused by a number of factors, such as the following:

  • Grinding or clenching your teeth
  • Arthritis in your jaw joint
  • Jaw injuries, like a broken or dislocated jaw
  • Stress, as this can cause you to clench your teeth or tighten facial and jaw muscles
  • Misalignment of the teeth or jaw

Medical Treatments for TMJ Disorders

TMJ disorders are treatable. Treatments for TMJ problems include medications, oral appliances, dental work, physical therapy, and in severe cases, surgery.

Your dentist can prescribe medications that can ease the TMJ symptoms. They can also recommend physical therapy, which includes exercises to stretch your jaw and strengthen the muscles around your jaw joints.

Dental appliances such as oral splints and mouth guards can help reduce the effects of teeth grinding and clenching. You can get a custom mouth guard from your dentist. Your dentist can also use crowns, bridges, or braces to correct a bite problem or balance the biting surfaces of your teeth.

And in the most severe cases, your dentist could recommend surgery to treat your condition. It is better to choose the best dental clinic for treating TMJ.

Bella Medical Centre offers TMJ treatment to people suffering from bad bite, jaw pain, and other symptoms of TMJ. Our skilled orthodontists can determine a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Do you have TMJ jaw problems and are in need of medical treatments? Contact us today!

If you want to maintain a healthy smile and good oral health, it’s important to pay a visit to the dentist. Dental check-ups will help keep your teeth healthy and avoid dental issues. But how often should you actually see your dentist?

In this blog, we will discuss why dental check-ups are essential and how often you should get routine check-ups at the dentist.

Why Routine Dental Check-Ups Are Important

A routine dental check-up is when your dentist conducts a thorough examination of your teeth, gums, and mouth.

Regular check-ups with a dentist can help find problems early and address dental issues before they escalate. Your dentist will be able to detect underlying conditions and recommend the right treatment.

Having routine check-ups with your dentist will also allow them to educate you on proper oral health practices, recommend the best dental products, and suggest lifestyle changes to improve your oral hygiene, all of which would be beneficial to your oral health.

Dental check-ups are important for maintaining good oral health, and that is why you should not skip going to the dentist.

How Often Should You Get Dental Check-Ups?

It is recommended that you visit the dentist every six months for a routine check-up and teeth cleaning. However, people who are at a higher risk for dental problems may require more frequent check-ups.

Individuals with oral health issues or medical conditions may need to schedule regular appointments with a dentist more often than the six-month interval. Here are some factors that affect the frequency of dental check-ups:

Oral Health Issues

You may have current oral health issues such as frequent cavities, gum disease, tartar build-up, or tooth decay. Or perhaps you have had these oral health issues in the past or have a family history of oral health issues.

In these cases, you may be required to visit a dentist more often than every six months in order to have your oral health monitored and managed effectively.

A Person’s Lifestyle

Your lifestyle is also crucial in determining how often you should get routine check-ups at the dentist. For instance, if you smoke or excessively drink alcohol, you may need to visit your dentist frequently, as these activities can contribute to dental issues.

If you often drink liquids that can stain your teeth or eat sugary or acidic foods, you may need to visit your dentist more frequently for teeth cleaning.

Medical Conditions

You may have medical conditions such as diabetes, a weakened immune system, or heart disease. People with these conditions may have an increased risk of oral health issues and would require more frequent visits to the dentist.

Additionally, if you are pregnant, you may need to see the dentist frequently as pregnant women are more susceptible to gingivitis or inflammation of the gums.

Age Group

Different age groups may require different frequencies of visits to the dentist. Children may require frequent routine dental check-ups to monitor the development of their teeth.

Seniors or older adults may also need to see the dentist more often than the six-month standard, as they might face more dental issues, such as gum disease or tooth loss.

Dental History

Past dental procedures or treatments can affect how often you should see a dentist. For instance, if you have gone through orthodontic treatments, dental implants, or bridges, you may require frequent check-ups for maintenance.

Similarly, if you are currently under a treatment plan, whether it’s for braces, Invisalign, or TMJ treatment, you may be required to have frequent check-ups with your dentist for monitoring.

Other Dental Problems

It’s important to note that if you experience problems such as bleeding gums, persistent toothache, or symptoms of TMJ jaw problems such as jaw pain or stiffness or clicking or popping sounds in the jaw, it is best not to ignore them and delay visiting the dentist.

When you have dental problems like these, visit your dentist as soon as possible. These dental problems may require you to visit your dentist more frequently for treatment.

What to Expect During Your Routine Dental Check-Up

During your dental check-up, your dentist will check and examine your teeth and gums for any problems or issues, such as cavities or gum disease. They will assess your overall oral health and may conduct tests, X-rays, or oral cancer screenings.

Your dentist will also ask about your lifestyle, general health, or dental history, as well as your teeth-cleaning habits. They will advise you on ways to improve your oral hygiene and teeth-cleaning habits.

You can also expect your dentist to thoroughly clean your teeth to remove plaque and tartar. Your dentist will also recommend treatment if needed.

Make the Most of Your Routine Dental Check-Ups

Make every visit to the dentist count. To do so, you can prepare some questions to ask. If you have any questions or concerns, write them down and tell your dentist about them.

Dental check-ups are also a time for patient education, so it’s a time when you can learn more from your dentist and be more informed about the best ways to manage your oral health.

Another thing you could do is maintain a dental journal. Take note of your teeth-cleaning habits and note any changes in your mouth. If you have any concerns or observations regarding your teeth or gums, discuss them with your dentist.

Choose the Best Dental Clinic for Your Routine Check-Ups

It’s best to visit a dentist every six months for routine check-ups and cleaning. However, if you have ongoing dental issues or concerns, you should visit a dentist as soon as possible. It is also important to choose the best dental clinic for the best services.

At Bella Medical Centre, we offer a comprehensive range of dental treatments to help you maintain optimal oral health. Our team of highly specialized dentists conduct regular check-ups, routine cleanings, and other treatments to help you maintain good oral health. Contact us today!

Our Clinic

Bella Medical Centre – Villa #15, Marfa Al Bateen, Abu Dhabi